<In Other News> Recruiting DPS and heals for Undermine!

Still looking!

Come play with us.

Come hither my friends.

ION is still looking for more raiders! Come join a fun, friendly guild who also likes to run M+!

I donā€™t know if I can come up with sick rhymes
But do you need a boomie that can make your times?

Yes, we would love to have a boomy - add me Zahliah#1647 to talk some more :slight_smile:

Welcome to the flokkā€¦

I just had to go thereā€¦LOL

Iā€™m glad to see Ty has a brand new druid friend!
In Other News is so cool, hard to comprehend.

Still looking for more as we mourn the loss of Nipsey Hussle.
Love each other. Forgive and forget. Lifeā€™s too short to tussle.

Want to hear a joke about paper? Nevermind itā€™s tearable. Weā€™re still recruiting!

I went to the zoo and saw a baguette in a cage.

The zookeeper said it was bread in captivity!

Still recruiting!

Still looking! Use promo code ā€œHUGSENTMEā€ for 30% trial length!

If our guild was an 80ā€™s movie, it would star Sylvester Stallone, a backwards hat and a whole lot of heart.

Come play with us, we enjoy a good time.

ION is looking for some more dedicated raiders to fill out our raid team. Can you raid Wed, Thurs and Sun nights? If so, we might be the home for you!

If by good time you mean killing bosses

Not standing around doing flosses

Iā€™m not as good at coming up with clever posts like the others but we are still looking for more :slight_smile:

Hello, Iā€™m the raid leader for ION. Iā€™ve been involved with this guild in one way or another for 11 years. Iā€™m very proud to say that we have folks still raiding with us from back thenā€“who remember trash respawns in SSC, the macros we used for Heroic Sindragosa ice blocks, or the instruction to stay put on Ilā€™gynoth or Kilā€™jaeden.

If youā€™re looking for a home, Iā€™m looking forward to meeting you. My door is always open to talk about strats or rotationsā€“or the mechanisms for generating gravitational waves.

Good luck, and see you out there.

We are still looking for more awesome people to join us :slight_smile:

Bump! ION is looking for a wonderful resto shaman and some more dps to join our team! :slight_smile:

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