<In Other News> Recruiting DPS and heals for Undermine!

Still looking.

/shameless copycat incomingā€¦

Recruitment posts are often boring, even repetitive.
Hugs has made bumping them fun, even competitive.

Six-foot-2 and eyes of brown.
Muphrid needs more people for his team, even if you sometimes act like a clown.

Gawd, that was awfulā€¦but I never said it was going to be a good copycat post! LOL

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This is meā€¦I logged on the wrong toon! My xmog is fitting, thereā€™s even a moon!
Might as well bump it again, just because Iā€¦cainā€¦!

I know, even worse! LOL

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Our team needs more raiders
So come on in and join the show,
Just in time for Christmas,
IONā€™s a present wrapped in a bow.


Mediocre with a sour disposition describe this gnome
Friendly team, mythic raiding, could In Other News be her home?

380 equipped, 4/8M holy priest LF raid team :wink:

I am not as good at creating clever rhymes or raps. We are still recruiting though :slight_smile:

Hello friends!

Are you looking for a home for Dazarā€™Alor?
Come join our team, it is never a bore!

Wed, Thurs, Sun 8-11pm server time. :slight_smile:

We are welcoming!!
I swear!!

Come look at our team,
Do you need a group to raid?
Come join our team,
And you may just get paid.

Loot, cookies, love and friendship on offer!

Now 6/9 Heroic. Isnā€™t that a nice number?

LF more pew pewers!!

392/391 equipped Prot Warrior
8/8 N Uldir
8/8 H Uldir
3/8 M Uldir
9/9 N BoD
6/9 H BoD
Level 36 Azerite Necklace
Protection Warrior LF Heroic/Mythic raiding guild
Can provide logs as needed
Btag : Darkreven #1325

-Also play Blood DK, DH, Pally and G Druid

-Availability is open after 4 ST Stormrage until 11 to 12 ST every day

Now 1/9 mythic. Looking for more players still! :slight_smile:

Iā€™m very glad to see IoN still chugging right along.
Friends and fun always to be had, canā€™t go wrong.

Join them today for years of pleasure and success.
In Other News is a home and always free of stress.

How many of us have them?
Ones we can depend on
How many of us have them?
Before we go any further, lets be

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Still looking!

Lovinā€™ you is easy cause youā€™re beautiful.

Do your duty and a little more and the future will take care of itself.

Still looking for more people!

ION is now 8/9 heroic and 3/9 mythic. Come join a fun raid team! :slight_smile: