In memory to Adam

They don’t do that.

Supporting it doesn’t matter, since they don’t offer the service. With millions of players, there would be constant requests for memorials (especially in a game that has lasted 15 years.)

I’ve seen as many as 3 of these requests, just in the last month. That is just the people who bother posting on the forums (Blizzard says less than 4 percent of all players bother to post on the forums.)

The only memorials they’ve made, in recent times, were to famous people; There are just too many millions of non famous players, all of whom will eventually pass on.

As far as non-famous, they are employees (as the green mentioned), or kids.
I think I also had the crossbow, or something, from a make a wish kid who had cancer (eventually passed.) You saw that more back then, since it was a lot less common. The population got to the point where I don’t even think they do that now.

I’m 53, a guy my age ALSO died of a heart attack (men statistically go to the doctor less than women, so stuff is often missed.) He was someone I ran around with 20 years ago, so at the funeral I reconnected with some friends we had in common. It was really foreign to me, since I seem to be in great health.

God bless you for asking this for your friend, and I pray he’s at peace.

I lost my husband to a sudden heart attack in January, I miss him like crazy every day. He and I played wow together for 13 years, he started playing before me because he was one of the original beta testers back in 2004. I still have his characters in my bank guilds, it gives me a tinge of sadness to see his characters but always reminds me of the good times we had.

I really hope Blizzard honors your request so your friend Adam will live on in Azeroth.


Thank you so much im so sorry for your loss as well. My friend also died from a heart attack.

Thank you for you kind words it really means so much


Sorry for your loss but why are these types of posts popping up way more regularly lately? The answer is always the same too

I posted this about two years ago i was told in my disc that maybe trying to post it in general forums to get more support wasnt meaning to annoy people.

I try to re bump mine every month on the moon guard forum and rp forums was told to try here. Im guessing that was the wrong thing to do :frowning: again wasn’t meaning to annoy people with another " of those posts again"


Sorry for your loss.

And it’s not the “wrong thing to do;” you have every right to post and request what you want.

Others sometimes have no tact, so instead of wording something quite appropriately for the situation, you get “nah, ain’t gonna happen, we see it all the time,” etc.

In any case, the idea that there’s a deluge of posts asking for in-game memorials is hyperbole. See for yourself - do a search for “memorial” across all sub-forums, and you’ll see that they’re actually not that common. The last I can see was 13 days ago, the next one back was 26 days ago, and the one prior to that was in September. Hardly an overly common occurrence.

Anyway, here is some pertinent information and a lot of other good ideas on how to memorialize someone who has passed:


Ooo thats a really good idea thank you so so much


I support the guard renaming in honor of your late friend. May he live on forever in Azeroth.

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If everyone that played WoW and died got an NPC, there would be hundreds of thousands of named NPCs. This doesn’t make sense and never has.

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I actually prefer named NPC’s to generics. I hope they will do this!


This exactly.

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not a lot, but it does happen from time to time. from what i gather, blizz does sometimes actually do things like what you say, name an NPC or put in a cosmetic item with a reference in the description, little stuff like that, but…

they can’t really acknowledge or promote that they do it, or they’d get flooded with too many requests to handle. so maybe a forum mod sees your post and kicks it up higher and one day you walk through stormwind and see him, maybe not.

don’t rule it out, but don’t get your hopes up either.

This is ridiculous. I’ve seen this exact post so many times, just with different names.

I support this request.

I’d love for a game where ever NPC has an actual name. Tribute or not. It adds far more depth to the game.


Highly doubt full since im the orginal poster of it your more then welcome to look

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If anything I Hope wow team responds, they did the last time through bornakk.

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Inreally hope so too thanks everyone


That would be awesome if they can name a guard after him. Have you thought of doing a memorial ceremony?

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I see this too often, and that’s just it, this happens too often for them to make an exception each time. Just since I came back to the game I had someone in my guild die (on another character), and I’ve seen a handful of posts on the forums about similar situations. If it was something truly rare, I could understand it, but people who play wow die, it happens, I’m sure they’d love to memorialize each and every one but it’s obvious, to me at least, why they can’t. Don’t make the game into a graveyard and all that.

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Ten characters.