In light of upcoming paid server transfers--

It’s not a merger, actually. In a merger, the two servers cease to exist and one is left.

In any case, Blizzard won’t do merges or connected realms in Classic. Connected realms would required implementing CRZ and yeah, that wouldn’t go over very well, I don’t think.

It’s already there in the engine, I guarantee it.

It would just be flipping a switch and boom done.

Not that I think they will do it. Just saying

I didn’t say I thought it wasn’t possible. We’re running on a modern client. I said I’m pretty sure they’d never do it.

You don’t really believe that, do you? You don’t really think that a company like Blizzard, who cares about one thing, and one thing only (getting as much of your money as possible) is going to lose out on a chance to monetize server transfers?!?

Be a fanboi, stand up on your couch like Tom Cruise and tell us how much you love Blizzard, but don’t be naive…they don’t love you or the game, they love China and USD.

Link it?

I’ve seen nothing that says there won’t be transfers in the future.

AR is not dead, horde side might be dead feeling, but I find it hard to believe given that there have been more and more horde xfering over to the server, and there have been times where TP has been taken over by the horde, kargath has pushed back the alliance that tried to invade… Alliance may be dominate on the server, but Horde are by no means toothless on the server.

Also, shouting for a group in the AM is a pretty bad time in general to look for group, especially on a weekday when a lot of people are at work (I mean from what I can tell, most people i have played with are adults who work…)

I think this is likely the main reason people would want to transfer. Or maybe PVP to PVE, for those who didn’t know what PVP meant.

I’m not a fanboy, I just have common sense. Expecting paid transfers when several servers are clearly struggling keeping a healthy population is just silly.

Probably in a very distant future where you don’t have realms starving for population. If they’re smart about it, it won’t be anywhere near this time.

Allowing paid transfers would 100% result in many players, especially alliance fleeing to higher population/better balanced realms like Incendius and leaving a number of realms either completely dead or ridiculously horde dominated.

Because the server I chose is half dead all the time, and completely dead after 9pm. Maybe after I have the pleasure of paying to transfer to a server that isn’t dead I’ll be able to finally experience Dire Maul.

I’d very much like to play the game, I can’t get any groups for elite quests, or a group for any dungeon after BRD.


PvP servers that are imbalanced suck to be frank. The imbalance never gets better either unless people are forced to transfer in, those servers just get worse since the losing side tends to bleed players.

Other servers even PvE ones, some just lack players and are slow. LF tank is bad on every server even populated ones, LF tank on low pop servers i imagine is very rough.

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I got baited on a server by my friends who quit, and the server is just lame cause its too much horde (I am horde) and I love wpvp and its just boring… I want to go to a better server more balanced or alliance dominated.

Yeah cus Pandas would never come to WOW…

Dont be dense,

Maybe when i say “Shouting in UC” I mean im Standing in UC shouting in LFG, LookingForGroup, World, General and Trade.

Ever think of that?

But please do tell me where im wrong? That it doesnt take FOREVER finding groups on AR.

Allowing paid transfers would 100% result in many players, especially alliance fleeing to higher population/better balanced realms like Incendius and leaving a number of realms either completely dead or ridiculously horde dominated.

Let me back you up right there. The only horde that feel the pain of the Alliance on unbalanced servers are those on Incendius. Alliance won’t be transferring to a “better balanced” server. They’d be transferring to an alliance dominated server. Frankly I’d love to see PvE to PvP transfer and transfers for a faction to the realm their faction is underrepresented.

CRZ is something that happens mostly on the host, not so much in the game engine.
No idea if the classic host does CRZ, but even if capable, i doubt they would make use of it.

money talks and actiblizz loves money

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It’s the Legion software running classic databases, with a few patches tossed on it.

Please provide link to your information as Blizzard updated hours ago stating there will be no paid transfers.

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Paid transfers came a couple months before BC dropped. They were a part of Vanilla and I believe I saw a blue post today confirming they will be available.

In vanilla most servers had one huge scumbag guild that controlled every world boss and poached from other guilds because they were ahead forever.

This is technically very vanilla like, most servers only had one super hardcore guild, and then a bunch of feeder guilds stuck behind the gear curve.