I wanna know what my repair bills and AH cuts are secretly funding.
Any ideas?
I wanna know what my repair bills and AH cuts are secretly funding.
Any ideas?
Alleria used most of it to buy new makeup and outfits
That’s fair.
Does she get the Stormwind Tax or is there one specific to Argus/Voidlands for her? Maybe Anduin buys her “war paint” stuff…
Anduin is allowing some Stormwind children to pilfer the royal treasury.
Something about tax write offs and voiding her debts.
They distribute the gold to all the enemies we kill in the wild so that it continues to flow.
Not to Westfall
Westfall is WoW’s western North Carolina
Well for the AH tax cut, I assume it’s to pay for the wages of the workers who stock, inventory, and transport all the goods to you.
For your repair bills, shouldn’t a person be paid for their work? They are repairing your armor after all.
On the Moonguard server, it goes to maintenance and repairs for the Lion’s Pride Inn at Goldshire thanks to all the … so called shenanigans that go on there
Ion is using it to cash out for WoW Tokens that go to funding his next yacht upgrade
Plus the lawsuits and memory-wipes.
But my repairs are being done by my Jeeves robot. I own him. He is literally labeled as such. So shouldn’t I get all that gold? And if someone else uses MY Jeeves, shouldn’t I get that money too?
He’s technically a butler. A butler is a job. Do you not want to pay him? Is he not sapient? Does he not deserve to be free and reap the rewards of his labor?
That kid’s Grindgear Gorillas that his sister wrecks don’t replace themselves, you know.
Sure, but what about when I’m getting repairs done by my Auto-Hammer?
SW still have enough ppl post the 4th war for taxes?
The whole city loves the Grindgear siblings, the siblings who play with the Grindgear Gorilla.
*5 seconds later, gets handed a note*
Uh oh.
He’s technically a butler. A butler is a job.
He’s not even technically a butler. He is a butler. The reason you only have him for 10 minutes per hour is because he has other clients.
It’s not going towards helping the poor people of Menethil, that’s for sure.