In Game Seating Toys

One of the major points of feedback from the RP community is that the duration on the seating is too short, which is why these toys are not used more often. In many cases the seating duration is less than the time it takes to do a single rp post. Seating would be more widely used if the duration was increased, and the cooldowns standardized.

To avoid abuse of this item, please only allow for 1 seat toy to be placed at a time by players. All seating toys should share the same cooldown, so players can not drop every seat toy into an area to spam the toy disruptively.

Please increase the following toys to last 10 mins, with a 10 min cooldown.

Please also increase the drop rate on this. Once the expansion is over, this toy will be extremely rare. As it is, even owning the toy is very rare.


All items like seats, teas, etc, should be given the 1 to 1 treatment. The cooldown should be as long, or shorter than the up time.