(In game protest event) come join me!

I like the idea.

There is so much more that can be done with it though.

I hope you don’t stop here.

((All suggestions are welcome! Do you have any suggestions! If so post here or let me know in game))

Greetings! To all of you.

It would likely end up in a blood bath. Not sure if that would be the wisest of decision . We are about peace. And politely and peacefully protesting the ceasefire of the war and protesting about how much we hate the alliance.

But we are still deciding if it’s it will be on or off. For now it will be off.


That sounds like COWARD TALK to me!


We will prove we are not cowards. That we are above the Alliance by protesting peacefully.

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Yes, peacefully protesting. For more violence. Peacefully.


Indeed. My brother. Who is also my foe.


Dorbroka even at his most hideous seems to be a more beautiful soul, inside and out, than the entire Alliance combined.


Elves with butt-chins aren’t allowed to criticize other peoples’ appearances.

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It’s not his fault that the void elves took all the good beards with them when they left!


Yes it is because he could drink the Juice That Makes You Go Void and get a good beard. But instead, villain that he is, he just sits here and forces the rest of Azeroth to deal with his butt-chin.


Looks more like a ballchinian to me.

I don’t know if you should go there, Vyrael.

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What about elves with butter-faces?

That’s a loaded term, so it’s unacceptable.

Hm… me thinks I have discovered the real reason you always wear that mask. :thinking:

Well, there’s plenty of reasons to wear masks. Some people, if you can imagine, do it to try to cover a fragile masculinity behind a faux edgelord exterior.

Yeah, that too. Or you could be like burned by acid or something. Or maybe it’s just terribly comfortable? Like hugging your face with silky kitten snuggles. uwu

I’m back and very disappointed