In-game menu way too big

yo blizz, this menu is MASSIVE, (like, can be seen from outer space massive)
can you guys shrink that down to how it used to be? thanks!


Moveany lets you scale and move it…


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That’s a useful tool, but players shouldn’t need to use an addon just to fix something that wasn’t broken yesterday.


I agree, but I can’t actually fix it, all I can do is help by providing possible solutions.


You know, I don’t actually think the new menu size is too big. Most games have massive full screen menus when you hit Esc or Pause or whatever. WoW has always had a weirdly tiny little box. Even the new one is still a relatively small box relative to the size of the screen.

It’s definitely jarring though.

Even if you adjust UI scale, menu still huge lol.

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it’s just completely inconsistent.

character screen has buttons of a “normal” size.

…but when you’re in game, the menu is ridiculously… big looking.


It was a bit jarring at first, but I actually quite like it. Maybe it’s because I’m getting older, but I like a big menu. I have a large monitor. No need to be shy.

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i’m old too.

glaucoma means i can’t focus on something so insanely huge.

simply opening the menu causes physical pain.

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Thank you friend!

To anyone reading this thread, or who else is frustrated by the menu, here’s what I did to return the game menu to how it was BEFORE the patch:

  1. Download the Moveany addon
  2. Once you open up WoW again with the addon, type /move in order to open up the addon
  3. Where you see ‘+ Game Menu’ , click that, and then click Game Menu under it
  4. Now what pops up is the Game Menu frame. Set the ‘Scale’ to 0.80. And it will auto-save.

Boom, you’re back to how it was BEFORE the awful pre-patch change.

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You’re welcome.

Also, weird, I didn’t even look for +Game Menu, I just turned on “Scale Frame with SHIFT” and did it manually…


I think we might have different versions.

I tried that once, but we really shouldn’t need an addon for this.

While I generally agree.

Blizzard seems to have gone with a ‘good enough’ attitude to UX design, we get basic functionality out of the box.

But they outsourced to unpaid fans, if we want fancy, it takes an addon.

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