In-game Instance Counter

You are giving Blizzard too much credit there IMO. For example, you can simply determine that this change will cause botters to just hop to another server for 30 more instances by this change, creating nearly zero affect realistically other than to hurt real players.

I seriously doubt that any botters were ambivalent to this change. I’m sure that every single one of them viewed it as a negative, because it’s extra hoops for them to go through, which hurts their bottom line. How much so probably only Blizzard and the botters know. But to say it had zero effect upon them is almost certainly wrong.

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you’re giving them no credit when they are holding all the information.

just a hypothetical:
if blizzard made the change account wide on all realms - 30 instances in total for all realms combined - would your opinion change?

Maybe. But I’m still going to trust the professionals working for a multi billion dollar company over angry neckbeards on the forums. YMMV

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Why are you trolls hijacking my thread, go argue in one of the other 100. I even made one you can argue in a week ago when I opposed the change. This isn’t the place.

I just want a tool to make this change more palatable. Learn to adapt.

Firms, regardless of the size, mess up all the time.

A week before this their analysis determined layers could be removed on megaservers; when queues spiked past multi-hours almost instantaneously thereafter, they stated they couldn’t understand why and reverted their change.

Similarly to how they knew layers would only be needed at launch, and thereafter facilitated megaservers knowing there would be no repercussions thereof - and after months started switching layers on an off, changing spawn rates, and Locking servers.

This change is grasping at straws, and even on Locked servers you can already see hordes of bots continuing, unhindered. Perhaps some were impacted, but a correlative raise in the price of mats and boosts accounts for that.

Simply working for a large firm does not make you infallible, and Blizzard, on multiple occasions, has shown they fall short on certain studies.

Sorry, not going to happen. The same people you find in every thread will swarm to the latest to restate the same arguments they made in other threads, or just to troll.

As for your topic, I’d make suggestions to the author of the Weak Aura. If, as Blizzard states, this change only affected a small number of legitimate players it is unlikely they’ll spend time/money on a counter when a 90%+ solution already exists as an addon.

Umm, you are blind. Just a fact. You blindly support a change that is proven to do nothing. Quit making excuses, Blizzard fanboy shill.

Learn not to post on the forums then. You’re a bad rep of our server. You’re fine with a failed change. Learn to think instead of being a tool.

Thats 100% not what they stated but cool story bro

At this point, it’s quite likely it’s here to stay no matter what we want.

Doesn’t mean you give up. People didn’t give up on raiding being made easier and easier over time until LFR was released. They started complaining about that in Vanilla and BC!

Also OP is rehashing an already made post. His fault for ignoring other threads made before him.

In the meantime, having this addition to the system is a good stopgap.

Appreciate the response, I don’t think the Weakaura author has the ability to read the backend but I’m not a developer so I’ll send a message to the author and try.

Quite literally said they didn’t understand why two realms reversed course, and that it was a high priority for them to find out. After which, they reintroduced layers.

Good job cherry picking a single point too. :clap:

Learn not to post on the forums then. You’re a bad rep of our server. You’re fine with a failed change. Learn to think instead of being a tool.


I’m not fine with the change and I’ve been incredibly vocal about that. In fact it affects me now quite a bit since I’m at over 800+ SGC runs and I often do 30 or so a day. Calling me a tool, why? Bad rep for your server? what? get real dude.

Rehashing an issue in the forums is fine to bring exposure to it. Hijacking a post that is ‘related’ but not on topic isn’t. You’re drowning out a helpful suggestion.

Not sure why you feel the need to be this way.

Edit: To be clear: This post is about a counter so we can track our IDs, I want this to be a separate issue, because this is useful whether the change is reverted or not. I want this in for tracking. If we lump all of our gripes into one post it will be ignored just like the others.

It might have to do with them unlocking servers. Not sure why they can’t figure that out.

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You’re a bad rep of your server it seems.

Well now they’re banning instance farmers without regard to whether or not it’s an actual player.

Honestly, whoever is running this show needs to be replaced today.

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