In game freezing

I have this and the memory violation crash so 3 times a day.

Started happening to me today. Only happens when I open my map.

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Happened last night when I arrived at Beledar’s Spawn and for whatever reason decided to open my map while waiting for the pull.

WoW crashed and launcher decided it needed to update so that was the end of me trying to get it. I swore profusely and went to bed.

Here’s a theory. I was fine opening it last night when I was the only one on screen, but then I arrived at Beledar’s Spawn with everyone else on screen too, and then opening the map crashed it.

Opening the map, especially if you have a lot of things displayed on it (point of interest, story, old quests) and stuff from addons, probably uses a chunk of memory. If I already had a bunch of people on screen waiting for the pull, a lot of memory is being used by all the textures/effects for their gear. Then opening the map pushes the game over the edge.

Maybe that would be something people could keep in mind: if opening the map crashes the game, were you in an area with a lot of other players, or otherwise a ton of particle effects and stuff that would be consuming memory?

This is a new problem, definitely, but if it’s a memory leak or something in the new code that handles the map, maybe it only explodes when the game’s already using a bunch of memory.

I don’t know what to make of it, I swapped to Windows mode over full screen windowed. Has not frozen up once. Still going strong.


Works for me in window mode as well, no stuttering or freezing

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Can confirm running in windowed mode i have much better fps in all cities and instances running on ultra

Just wanted to put an update to my issue in this thread. It was not Warcraft that was having issues, it was an update to my BIOS from Alienware that put a feature called “Smart Charging” on my laptop battery.

When I went into the BIOS and turned it off, the throttling went away. Problem solved. I’m back playing on ultra settings 4k and locked at 120 FPS.