In game flickering

the black screen flickering is happening every time i cast my fishing in drustvar it’s also happened more in drustvar than any other zone but it is not exclusive as i’ve seen it in stormsong valley as well. This isn’t as frustrating as the UI error when you can’t cast spells or interact in game but it’s a visual nuisance nontheless. I run windows 10 operating system, i tried the disable full screen optimization as well as running either DX12 or DX11 both had the same issue. Please find a way to help me resolve this and if it’s a large amount of people experiencing this issue please present a solution in a patch.

This sounds very similar to our Flickering Issue thread here. Our team is aware of the issue and working on a resolution. Hopefully, it’ll be soon, but at the moment there is no ETA on when this will be fixed.

There have been some odd fixes with textures and gamma settings. Let’s try playing around with these settings. Right click on the desktop and go to Nvidia Control Panel. Under Manage 3D Settings, turn OFF the Antialiasing - Gamma Correction.

If it continues, could you try turning off Projected Textures in the WoW client? Press ESC while in WoW, go to System > Graphics and set Projected Textures to Disabled.

thanks for the response didn’t mean to clutter up the forums they are the same issue and i’m glad people are aware of it. I couldn’t tell you if the suggestions worked or not because it happens so randomly idk what triggers it. I’ll post back in the other thread if it happens again

No worries, Anvilshock! I wasn’t certain if it was the same situation, but hopefully those may have helped with the flickering :slight_smile: Thanks for following up!