In-Game Christmas Gift Ideas

Looking for ideas for gifts to be mailed out as tokens of appreciation. Something funny, not just gold, crystals, orbs, etc. Wrapping paper, the whole deal. haha

Thanks in advance,

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I haven’t played Classic long enough to know all there is to know. So I am sadly of no help.
But thanks for making a GREAT post outside of all the whining and crying. :slight_smile:

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you’re welcome

special mentions: salt, deeprock salt, lifeless stone, any of the various rogue pickpocket items like lucky charms and shiny rocks.


I feel like lucky charms are WAY overdone haha. A good gag gift would be sending the engineering crafted “practice” lockboxes to non-rogues though. That would be pretty funny…

A bolt of silken cloth CoD for 109 gold and wrapped up.

That way you get a gift too.

Happy Fun Rock.


Someone beat me to Lump of Coal and happy fun rock. I’m going to add heavy leather ball. My Druid can make those if you need some.

Go into ZF for a few minutes and farm some troll sweat.