In-game calendar event signup--is it broken?

I’m in a community that’s using the in-game calendar to organize events. The lead says the invites will go out in order of sign up time. When that doesn’t actually happen, they are then claiming that the calendar is screwed up.

The lead is in a different timezone, and it looks like the calendar is using their time zone to time stamp the sign ups, which is fine. Just doesn’t look broken to me, though they say it is.

Is the calendar screwed up like this?

Edit: The basic question is whether the time stamps on the in-game signups are accurate, since that’s what they’re saying the problem is.

As a raid leader who uses the in-game calendar for our raids, I’ve never seen timestamps on it and it orders people by status then alphabetically. AFAIK it invites by the order they appear in the list not by timestamp.

Also confirmed that changing someone’s status as an even moderator doesn’t change their sign up timestamp.

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Yeah, that’s the thing, there are timestamps on signup, but no way to order the list by that timestamp. The only way to see it is to hover over the name. And I know it just sorts by status and then alphabetically. All of that makes it a bit difficult to try to use it, honestly, or at least difficult to use it fairly for signups when there are more people wanting to go than spaces available.

In the end, I think this person is either clueless (to put the nicer spin on it), or they’re just playing favorites with their buddies and having fun being in control and screwing with others (which is what I really think is going on). Not sure I want to be involved in it either way.

Thanks for confirming that it’s not broken though!

Yeah, I’d recommend switching to something like WoWAudit instead. They have a Discord Bot that you can use to do raid signups etc. That said, not sure if it cares about timestamps either.

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It’s not my community and I’m not in charge, so I undoubtedly don’t get a say in what system they’re going to use for this. I figured there must be some fancy bot for Discord though!

I guess the basic question is whether the signup time stamps are accurately shown, since that’s what they’re claiming is the problem.

From what I can tell, they are.

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