In Development: Guardians of the Dream

Four hair colors this time, they got night ranger skins and eyes back in Shadowlands, new eye colors and the like before that. Meanwhile races like worgen who’ve not gotten any major customizations in years are just thrown a new batch of fur colors now and then but otherwise ignored. We vulpera have gotten nothing new since we released, it took them years to give pandas new stuff. Almost every dang time a new batch of customizations come out it’s always seeming to involve BE, VE, and NE getting stuff they don’t need. If they go the extra mile and try to give NE their immortality back I’m torching that dang tree

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Wait four talent trees???

It’s 3 spec trees + class tree.

Considering,the character player can’t die it wouldn’t matter.

Ok,was wondering if they’ll introduce another spec.

What I would like to see is to be able to fly our dragons outside of Dragon Isles.

Not asking for dragon riding, but regular flying outside Dragon Isles on our dragons.


I always wondered why we can’t use them for normal flying myself they are flyers and well I like how I’ve decked mine out so yeah that would be super cool.


So far I’m loving the datamined spec changes for Mistweaver and the tier set bonuses look great. For once the monk set isn’t completely horrible, anxious to see the other color variants.

The dungeon pool for M+ is looking good.

New druid forms are great, if that is indeed what they are and not just models for NPCs.

Please blizzard, please add more Kul’tiran customizations! Enough with the freaking elves.

A Guy that has not been show wielding an axe prior to the raid, an axe that comes out of nowhere just for the fight. It’s just a random axe. It has no lore behind it, or no story purpose to being there

The dudes been blasting people with fire all this time, why does he need an axe? where does he get the axe? Why would he even want to wield an axe?

It makes no sense. It would make more sense for him to wield a shovel if he’s trying to dig up the sapling.


It’s because he’s spearheading the offensive.

Wait, no, wrong weapon type…

He’s making all the fire people join his club.

…Still not right.

He has a bone to pick with us?
He’s staveing off our attacks?
He’s actually a really knife guy?
His invasion is claws for alarm?

Nah, none of these are right. Maybe we should axe him next time we see him.


They did it for void elves, anyway. Now they’ve literally got more options than the race they’re based off of. :roll_eyes:


Shaman won the jackpot for the tier set. I will not be taking questions.


I just hope they don’t arbitrarily make the chest/legs tier-only again. Coats are cool and should be as usable as possible.


Ask the legendary bow or evoker fist.

And also they’re horrid drops to boot.


Only making my point even more relevant. Hell, a lego claw weapon that auto dual wields even for those that don’t dual wield would have made more sense.


This is a wish that will never come true. Nobody on the team has cared for a decade.

The presentation looked promising. Will have to hop on the PTR see what I think but there’s some promise there. I like the axe, not sure if I’m decided on a main yet for this patch. Am leveling my old druid as an option am not sure if that impacts the new druid forms. The new legendary it’s a strength 2H axe might be time to work on my old BDK. Fyr’alath looks really nice, a proper fire axe.


If it turns out to be the First Winter Queen and a First One then this Expansion will end in the Shadowlands within the Faeweald with it and Avaloren(Avalon Realm of the Fae Court of Summer anyone?) as the 10.3’s Zones.

Seems all we can look forward to is dealing with each of the Eternal Ones’ predecessors in each of their individual Realms of Death.

The Faeweald amusingly is so unoriginal that we get no Expansion for it just 1 Zone. The other First Ones will each get Expansions to themselves.

The Archon’s Predecessor, The Primus’s Predecessor Aman’Thul and Denathrius’s Predecessor Il’gynoth will all be capable of producing Unique Continents within the Shadowlands.

Aman’Thul was a First One of Time which means that his Realm will have Infinite Possibilities. The Souls will be unraveled for the sake of these Infinite Truths. Time shall leave Order and become Death once more.

Il’gynoth being Denathrius’s predecessor will be inspired by the Void’s Horrors and have places of penance so frightening that Sylvanas will quake in fear as Tyrande arranges her time there.

The Archon’s predecessor will probably start establishing a Temple of Faith while dragging the Naaru down to Bastion to create all sorts of Heavens.

In the end the Shadowlands was merely the introduction to each of the Expansions we are visiting with the 4th one introduced being the 1st one we get.

Blizzard must have thought it was funny to spring the surprise that Ardenweald was merely a foreshadowing of Dragonflight’s End Game within the Faeweald Zone that includes Ardenweald.

They had us return to Azeroth only to suddenly return us to the Shadowlands right at the end.

Blizzard will think that since they gave us Azeroth they can casually move to Sylvanas’s Penance Expansion(ending with a showdown against Iridikron who has succumbed to Shadow) followed by Aman’Thul’s Expansion(since it is mostly the Echoes of Alternate versions of Azeroth presumably) followed by the Archon’s Expansion(to introduce us to the Expansion involving Kyrestia and her Realm’s clash against the rest of the Light).

Of course it might be the Aman’Thul Expansion that features Iridikron corrupted by the Void and revealed to be an Alternate Aman’Thul tied to Maldraxxus.

Maldraxxus means Evil Dragon so it wouldn’t surprise me if Iridikron was Maldraxxus’s original Baron of the House of the Chosen with Xal’atath being the original Baron of the House of Eyes and Aman’Thul being the Highfather of Maldraxxus. That would mean the Original Barons of the House of Rituals, Constructs and Plagues are soon coming to burn Azeroth without remorse and one of them is backing Thros the Blighted Lands.

The Great Dark Beyond(Azeroth, Draenor and Outland) was Act 1. The Shadowlands is Act 2. The Light will be Act 3.

Could we get more hairstyles please?

Also can Dark Iron Dwarves, Kul Tirans, Mecagnomes, Zandalari Trolls, Mag’har Orcs and Vulpera get some love too? They really need to get more customizations too.


the ones the really need love is lightforged goats all there stuff is boring and lacking severely .