In Development: Guardians of the Dream

Since Blizzard continues to work on the UI, here are two suggestions:

  1. A clear identification of Bleeds in the API so my healing raid frames can detect them, and my evoker can dispel them with Cauterizing Flame.

  2. Clearer labelling of dungeon and raid maps. I am directionally challenged to begin with. Opening a map in the dungeon that just shows my current floor and multiple exits with up and down arrows doesn’t tell me how to get to the next boss, if I have become separated from the group. At the very least, the exits need some indication of the boss they lead to. I shouldn’t have to pick an exit, go to the next floor, pick another exit, go to the next floor, and then figure out whether I guessed correctly to get to the next boss. The path should be obvious. If exits can’t be labeled, then you should be able to pick a boss and see ant trails as you go. Floor names in the pull-down menu don’t help either, in part because they are too creative and don’t mention the boss you are trying to get to either. The “Pit of Doom” could house any boss.


Instead, we’ll get a cosmic expansion that takes us to the “Life-lands”. Elune will be another robot created by the First Ones. An’she will be the villain-but-not-villain saving us from the bigger bad. Baine will still sit around doing nothing.

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I’m hoping the new druid customizations include the fire hawk and scorpion from cata. Perfect time to give us the remaining flame druid forms.


Can void elves please get anything?


I want to be a flame tree Druid! Also, nerf Devastation Evoker.

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I hope the new world tree won’t stay a raid zone but become a proper zone later on. At this point and with the treatment of night elves in previous expansions I suspect it will just get destroyed again.


Blood Elf Customizations.

The timing of this with Man’ari Draenei options makes me think we are getting Felblood Elves.

Would be nice if it’s more than a Jewelry Recolor.

(Here’s a list of common suggestions btw.)

Blood Elf Customizations

Blood Elf Suggestions

Subrace Options

  • Additional Dark Ranger Options. (Dark Ranger Eye Makeup, Darker Undead Skins)
  • San’layn Themed Options. (Fangs, Batlike Ears, Claws, ect.)
  • Felblood Elf Themed Options. (Fel Tainted Skin and Potentially Horns/Claws.)


  • Rune Tattoos like the Burning Crusade Box Art and Magister Rommath.
  • Phoenix Tattoos like the Farstrider Hanzo Skin for HotS.
  • Scars/Burns and Damaged Ears.
  • Makeup/Warpaint Options. Including Dark Ranger inspired designs.

Jewelry Improvements/Fixes

  • Allow males to use Jewelry.
  • More Metal and Gem colors for Jewelry. (Including Darker and more ‘Goth’ options.)
  • More Jewelry Types. (Chokers, Metal Feathers/Feathers and Eye/Nose/Lip Piercings, Etc.)
  • Fix the bracelets so they aren’t pixelated.


  • Separate the Tiaras/Headbands from specific hairstyles.
  • Add Large and Fancy Hair/Beard/Mustache Styles.
  • More Gothic/Grunge hairstyles.
  • Eyebrow Size options.

Artwork and pictures


San’layn concepts and makeup by Qualia

Runic Tattoos

Rune Concepts by Handclaw

Hanzo’s Farstrider Skin Tattoo

Beards by Naitsade

Beards by Mathptr1

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More PVE stuff is always welcome, but not at the cost of bag space. Please stop the bag bloat and add most of these currencies to currency tab or at least make them stack to 1000 or higher.

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This one being basically “Diablo angel”

No hunter DH rogue and warrior re work

I hope they acknowledge when you play this as a druid, like a small druid-specific questline, or even an extra dialogue option.

Also, I hope that extra portal in the Emerald Dreamway starts going to this expantion. Its just been sitting there not doing anything for a while (but maybe it used to have a purpose, idk)

I just realized that all my clothes are invisible here lol. I think the website doesn’t have the Night Elf heritage armor appearances :skull:


If there is no hunter rework It’ll likely be the end of DF for me. Not playing that game where you finally fix my class at the very end.

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Hello, I see you posted a thread about green. Can’t wait for more exciting and varied gameplay such as running around in circles trying to kill rares, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

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This looks like a great opportunity to add additional Druid forms (another werebear skin would be cool) as well as another shaman ghost wolf form that ties into the theme of the patch

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That often is the case for the first few days to a week after any new set is released, I had the same issue with the Dark Ranger armor for a bit until Armory (which the forum uses for the portraits, if you check your armory it is the same) updated for it.














Let’s see: totems that cost a capped currency that is time-gated vs. repeatedly being given multiple customization items for free almost every time there is a customization update, especially when most other races get nothing :thinking: you oughta be ashamed for even trying with that nonsense :roll_eyes:

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He called Fryakk the Firelord :crazy_face: That title belongs to Ragnaros :popcorn: Another Legendary axe lol. Nice try but will never be as epic as Shadowmourne :crazy_face:

Wow y’all REALLY hate night elves. Their new tree is already under assault and not even available as a player city… lmao…

plus blood elf customisation? can you give blood elf love a break for 10 seconds and pick any other race. Many of the allied races still si gnificantly lack customisation.


It’s not that I’m against Bloodelf Customizations, I’m just concerned that it made the shortlist for top 10 reasons to play 10.2