In Development: Fractures in Time

Time Rifts…

I look forward to many splendid Easter Eggs.

Sic Mundus Creatus Est


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What if they had Eredar as a pet option?

I think the lore works better for Lightforged draenei warlocks in a bit more of a streamlined way… Just as Illidan was in the process of being given a new form from a naaru - I suppose it makes sense that the lightforged warlocks are purified Sargarei…

On the other hand, it could make more sense that the Sargarei draenei warlocks defected to Velen after Sargeras himself was imprisoned…

Would be nice to see a variety of more glyphs for demonic appearance changes.

Just thinking out loud, lore-wise…

I’m not really sure what to make of the pandaren, tauren, & other classes getting warlocks, though… The lore reasoning for pandaren & zandal trolls seem a bit weak…

I think it’d be interesting & realisyic in the lore to see void elves & nightbourn be able to be able roll demon hunters, though…

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The story of Twins? If so, then no, it was… not written well.

I rather like they way you termed your point - made me rethink an earlier post I made.

Mag’har orc warlocks do not work, as they’d be normal green Azerothian orcs. Totally agree with you.

I mean - the only real way that I could see the lightforged draenei being taken with an ounce of credibility as lore-following classes is if there were a number of pet appearance options, say a lightforged sayaad option for both incubus & succubus, lightspawn for a voidwalker, etc, ad nauseum… As a Sargarei warlock could have forcibly gone through the process of lightforging… The allied race scenario offers some compelling evidence that forced light-forging was possible, albeit with more obvious involved risk.

Regular draenei warlocks ? I say they’re easier to implement… I suppose it makes sense that ex-Sargarei warlocks could have defected from the Legion after Sargeras’ fate with Illidan - given enough time & trust from Velen.

it… it was just a joke about the word stories… but i do like the movie twins.
<3 it had a sweet ending

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With dragonriding being made available to older zones, and the two different flight modes coming, can you please let Dracthyr fly already?

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The new warlocks will be similar to the Death Knights who got shoe horned into Shadowlands, but in my opinion even worse, I guarantee you none of these new warlock races will receive any sort of update (grimtotem for tauren would actually be cool) eredar doesn’t make sense but if you’re giving us draenei may as well give us eredar.

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I forgot to add some pictures for these three skin colors.


It’s fractured but whole, correct?


I have to agree, Lightforged Draenei, Mag’har Orcs warlocks do not make any sense with respect to the lore.

So…we are fighting Anduin Lothar and Grom Hellscream in this mega-dungeon…could Blizzard finally give us Gorehowl that all been waiting since WOD?

These are Nice and Cool and all but I would also would love to see Broken Draenei next as well.


Time rifts sounds nice but I doubt they’ll be done well.
The rest adds nothing for me so pass on that.

If you guys don’t allow fel,chaos extra customizations(fel orcs,eredars, feltotem HM tauren) to warlock it will be just big wasted opportunity.

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really hope unholy dk pet customizations in the barber shop are coming down the pipeline cuz ive been wanting this for a while and pretty disappointed theyre just gonna do us like this

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They have been doing this since Legion.

Retcon the damn Jailor and all his machinations


As you already must know by now hunters were given a couple gifts in two pets not supposed to be tamed one was a baby mammoth the other a tundra vorquin foal. Both are now fixed which is the right thing to do but before that players who knew were taming the mammoth until it was fixed and most recently same with the foal but the foal being behind a rep grind lasted longer which gave those of us who missed the mammoth yet able to get the foal some hope in it staying not to mention all the patches we went through and upon logging in game the foal remained.

Now on the PTR for this newest patch it seems hunters are going to lose our foals and those with the mammoths are keeping theirs when both were tamed just by walking up and hitting tame beast before the fix. Both are not game breaking, and both are open world tames yet one is being removed how is this fair.

As a hunter I know all about certain tames and why they were fixed which is why this doesn’t make sense. The foals are in the same boat as the mammoths or the baby dire horns from isle of thunder both are still in game unchanged on hunters lucky enough to have them. I was really looking forward to this patch because of regular flight coming to the dragon lands finally was going to have a reason to log in again but now I don’t know why I should bother if you are removing one hunter pet yet still allowing two or more all open world tames none of them were glitches none had hunters going where we didn’t belong. Please don’t remove the foals from us hunters who were able to get them.

even if it’s only world wide dragon RACING i’m pinging the PTR every day to try to find and try it.