In Development: Fractures in Time

Ok so if Nelfs and KT can be Warlocks surely they can be Paladins! Come on, make it happen.


Void elf demon hunters pleeeeeease blizz :3

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Well… Imp customization is a start… AND A KALIMDOR DRAGONRIDING EVENT!? YESSSSSS!

Warlocks for all race is so wonderful, I legit love you for this Blizzard!!! :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:


For a majority of the races, I’m pretty much on board with more Warlock options. Zanda Troll for example makes sense and I never bought the excuse given when they were released.

But for Mag’har and Lightforged? That’s basically proving the concern many have had for years. That the lore really doesn’t matter, and the real concern is how many character services they can sell.

Mag’har fel users are regular Orcs. Using Fel or ingesting Demon Blood isn’t even a requirement for the Orc’s skin color changing. Lightforged likewise turn demons into Lightforged. We saw this with the Nathrezim dude.

So those should be the two races that never see this class / race combo. But Blizzard will do it anyways, which really makes it hard to even want to play the game. What’s the point if the game world is like warm jello and can be reshaped depending on what any given focus group thinks is cool?

It’s not Warcraft then and a lot of people play to enjoy the story of Warcraft. I get that lore can be inconvenient some times… but try to pretend you actually give a s— about the lore and the story. If you don’t that’s fine. But don’t expect others to be passionate about it or be shocked when they go to other games that do. Reg Draenei as Warlocks? Sure. Eredar are a thing. Lightforged Draenei? Mag’har Orcs? Nope.

…I’m the sort of person who will usually try to find a justification for ANYTHING as I believe in more options, not fewer; as a general rule. But really with those two being added, it just feels like intentional franchise assassination by employees who want to pull their own version of the “War of Thorns”.


To be honest, I feel like this should have been a thing since Legion, you know, the expansion that was all about demons.

Blizzard, I agree we could use more races for warlocks definitely but Lightforged Draenei, Draenei (unless some kind of eredar bull crap can get shoved in) & Mag’har orcs (Garrosh would lose his mind if he knew this) like you gotta give them a story, customization SOMETHING than just slapping em in.


For the love of all that is holy…please update BM.

It doesn’t need to make sense. There’s a lot that doesn’t make sense in WoW, even by lore standards. The truth is anything can be created because it’s a fantasy game. You’ll get over it.

If “support” specs as we currently understand 55% dmg and 45% healing, idk what others think but I would definitely not mind seeing Holy Paladins and Disc Priests be changed to support specs.

Priest would then, much like Evoker, have a Heal, Dps, and Support spec, and thematically works perfectly.

A Shadow based DPS spec, A light-based healing spec, and a spec that uses shadow to help allies and the light to damage enemies? Hell yes!!! Discipline by name is about balancing light and shadow, so the entire concept of a support spec fits with them perfectly harnessing both sides of the coin.

Just imagine, void-whispering to allies with empowering abilities, and using dark magics to heal, while wielding the light as a weapon, burning and smiting the non-believers.

As for Holy Paladin, Uther’s HotS gameplay was pretty much a “support” Holy Paladin already. He could play as pure heals, yes, but he could also choose the right talents to become far tankier, deal way more damage, and through his combat activity heal more and more.

From what I know already, Disc is already the least played of the 3 priest specs, and Holy Paladins only appeal to a very specific type of player that likes healing but while also being in the fray. So I think moulding both to be a support spec would be a pretty safe move.

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I’m so happy all races can be warlocks! I love playing warlock. I’m making a bunch of new warlock races!

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  • Time Rifts - Scourge (Azmourne) #2

He’s not really lightforged or a good guy. Its in the books.

Give Gnolls as Allied Race.


This eight-boss Mythic-only mega-dungeon

Really Mythic only mega dungeon. sad.

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Nah me think they will just tune one or two more class (one class per major patch) since Mage is next that leaves one more class (usually blizzard have 3 major raids per expansion) So after mage they will rework one more class. The rest that needs rework is going to have to wait till next expansion.

Not to mention they are releasing a new spec for evoker I can garuntee that is going to require major tuning and possibly rework as well after it is release.

If blizzard only listens to the pages upon pages of feedback players give during alpha and beta this won’t happen. The issue players pointed out is the same issues we now have in live.

Support spec won’t really work out IMO. in M+ don’t need a support spec. You need good dps comp that can burst every 40sec to 1min to kill all the trash pack while timing a dungeon. In higher m+ people don’t take avoidable damage even the healer is mostly doing damage having a support role to take up dps spot is make sure you brick your keys. Unless the buff they bring is more than make up for the low dps they bring in IE so the buff they give to the other dps role/healer/tank have to be huge. However, if the buff they bring is this OP raid will want to stack a few of them purely to buff the other 20+ players. If they are tune around raids then the buff they give out won’t be justify to bring them for m+.

Also if say the support spec is to take on the healer role with much less healing than other pure healing class they are going to have to a hard time getting into low to mid m+ and non wfr guilds ad these players tend to take a lot of avoidable damage and needs the HPS to bail them out. Doing less healing is bad for these type of content.

For the people complaining about the race/class combinations–I mean, we are dealing with the “infinite” timeways. Who knows what’s coming out of them and sticking around in our Azeroth. It may not make sense in OUR timeline, but with infinite timeways come infinite possibilities. It seems fine to me that they’re choosing to do this now, and while I enjoy games that have limitations on races and classes based on the world’s conditions (politics, economies, philosophies, etc.), I think it’s fair to say that Azeroth has been moving toward more inclusion by all the races of the planet rather than less. So…moving forward, I can see the lure of new opportunities and jobs giving rise to some aberrant race/class combinations–but I really don’t see any impediments to that–not expressed in the lore or in the current game’s stories.

I can’t say I really like it, though, but I don’t outright dislike it, either. What I’m dreading right now is having to create MORE characters to complete the silly requirements needed for that eighth bank slot for my guild–race/class combos completed in order to get it… Maybe we can get a guild re-work, too? >.> And a way to get the eighth bank tab without the insanity that it currently requires? (I am not holding my breath…)

I’m also sad that the mega-dungeons have all been mythic-only. I didn’t do Tazavesh when it came out, and I expect I likely won’t get to this new one, either. It has more to do with the fact that I can’t just queue into it from the queued menu and instead have to use the LFG tool in order to do so. It’s a bit more work, but I imagine these are more intended for friends and guildies rather than random strangers. Wish more of my friends had stuck around for this, but…c’est la vie. And while I could certainly invite them back, it would likely take them a lot more time and effort than they’re willing to put into the game just to be able to queue for it than it would be worth. Maybe I’ll finally get to see the lore in another one or two years. Yay! I love lore locked behind game modes I am unwilling to participate in. /s (Yes. I’m frustrated. Yes. I know most of you will just tell me to suck it up and do the thing. Yes. For those of you telling me that it’s probably easy for you. But…I just don’t like the idea of mythic dungeons. Sorry. It’s a personal preference, and I will continue to complain about things I don’t like in the game until some kind of compromise exists to handle it–or I just won’t do the thing and be annoyed that lore is gated behind a game mode I don’t want to do and don’t enjoy doing and don’t have a ready-made group to help me complete it in a fun and engaging manner).

Overall, though–this feels like it should be a fun patch, and I’m looking forward to playing through it when it hits retail.

(As an aside, for a compromise to get the lore to the megadungeon, why not have a ‘vision’ quest, where players can follow along with Chromie, or another bronze dragon who walks us through the halls as a group of ‘adventurers’ battle through the challenges faced there? We had something like that with the old Deadmines dungeon quest back when we were learning about Vanessa Van Cleef. And this way everyone gets a chance to actually see the important parts of the dungeon, learn the relevant lore, and not feel like they’re left out of that part of the game’s story. It’s just one idea, and I’m sure there are others that might work, as well. You could introduce this a month after the megadungeon’s release with very little in the way of problems, I think. State it as the Dragonflight Expedition’s report or something of the sort–thus spurring the story forward and marking a completion of those events in the overall story).


Ok I can understand why a light-forged Draenai can be a death knight. The body being a drained vessel that happens to have gold on it makes sense. But you slap what is basically an Holy light infused being with demonic evil powers and you get ya self a what would basically be an exploding Draenai. There is a reason light forged were rare-ish among their race fighting demons for 10k+ years, and why in the questline to unlock them it was considered the polar opposite of there principles. Monk light-forged makes sense but even then just barely by the continuity of “The Mists” being a sort of form of life-force like magic. But seriously, light-forged should remain apart from the warlock class. Unless you want to give them a TON of light themed recolors for there ability’s, acting as jailers of demons. Not opposed to that idea, but its really a stretch.

I want to see Galakrend return ether dead or another timeline.

Fine… Fix the warlocks.

I would like the longer version about the reasons motivating those changes.