In demand class?

1.looking to boost something to 70 whats most needed by most groups?
2. thinking of doing horde what server is better mankrek whitemane or faerlina?
3. whoch of thoes servers would be better for sosmone leveling 70-80 wanting to dungan spam( i despise questing)

Hello there, if you’re wanting to go horde…mankrek will not fail you as that is a very populated horde server with very little alliance.

As far as what’s in demand, we all know tanks and healers are a must. But I do see alot of calling for dps as well. I’m a tank and have been since tanking was tanking even before wow. What to play is up to you hero. Good luck!

Paladin, Warlock I’d say but it’s up to you

i have a 80 pally on alli side already so dont need another :stuck_out_tongue:

Spriest is always in demand

really?? spriest thats intresting

Just looking through Mankrik’s discord briefly, saw a few good guilds looking for shamans, paladins, and plenty of skilled ranged players, however it’s pretty easy to just play the class you’d like to play (especially in wrath compared to past iterations of the game) and find a decent raid spot, assuming you’re willing to be flexible as a raider and take up different rolls when needed.

any class i pick would take time to learn as i main a rogue so skilled range wont be me lol are hunters in demand much?

I see a decent number of posts that are asking for hunters/skilled ranged DPS within the last few days. Everything from casual to hardcore as well.

Almost all recruiting threads say they need a warlock.

i might do hunter priest or shaman thoes are my three choices im trying to decide between now now race will be another question but ill figure that out once the class is decided

If you wanted your highest chance to get in to any raid in a pug scenario, play a shaman and be able to play ele/resto.

Or rdruid/boomie

or healy priest/shadow

Ret paladin.


im debating between priest and shaman still cant decide

If I had to guess, I’d say druid, particularly Balance druid (or any flex-spec druid).

according to warcraft logs there are 217k boomies lol they dont seem in demand at all 94k kitty druids

Warlock. They are the most stacked class atm.

Warlock, learn demo and affl.

Warlock 1000%

warlocks are overpopulated just like boomkins