In defense of Danath Trollbane

Are you saying that it isn’t ruined for players now, Nilocor, because the book says it isn’t?

Are you saying it isn’t ruined for the npcs now, Nilocor, despite a separate book stating that the forsaken “need a new place to live” because “Orgrimmar’s heat is making them degrade”?

Which is your argument? Because both are soundly defeated.

I’m assuming you meant to say Undercity here because otherwise this is gibberish.

And I’m saying that while undercity itself is badly blighted, there’s hope, in-universe, that it can be recovered, and it’s relatively safe to travel to Tirisfal, as we’ve seen multiple characters do it.

Not so much hope or travel for any part of Teldrassil!

This all strikes me as pretty cliché boilerplate that melts in with every other gritty honorable footman. People in my experience remember Trollbane for being racist and that’s about it. We can agree to disagree if the rest of that’s compelling for you.

And having your life experiences influence your biases seems like a pretty realistic thing for a character- or a person in general

People using their “””life experience””” as an excuse to be crappy to people is so realistic that it puts a sour taste in my mouth when characters like Trollbane get framed as sympathetic. Especially when their backstory is contrived unrealistic stuff like “roads paved in the bones of genocide!!!”

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Worth noting the people he was “”“being crappy”"" to were quite literally in the process killing his people while trying to invade and destroy his home.

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No. They definitely lost towns. You’re arguing disingenuously.

Okay so you mean Tirisfal Glade. Then yes! If we’re not talking about Undercity they lost a town. Brill.

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The Forsaken were driven entirely out of Tirisfal.
Do you deny this canon fact that was covered in game and in books?

Nope! But there’s a real hope and (to some degree) expectation, acknowledged in those games and books, that eventually they’ll be able to return to Tirisfal Glade- because it’s still there.

Not so much for the Night Elves re: Teldrassil, don’t be obtuse.


And? Tedrassil was the entire night elf starting zone and the night elves were driven out as well. Bonus that it was also the Worgen zone and now they don’t have a city while the Goblins currently do.