In case anyone missed it: old Warcraft I and II are on the shop

Update: on the Diablo 1 forums, an MVP has said that keys from original copies or GOG are not valid (and I’m assuming won’t ever be). Presumably applies to WC1 & 2

They’ve been dirt cheap on GOG for a long time.

Did they rework them like they did with Warcraft 3 Refunded?

GoG basically just reworks them if they need it for them to work on modern PCs. I know the WC2 one is the edition. But plays like they did way back when. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re using that base for what they’re selling here.

I remember playing the Warcraft 1 demo for weeks before the game came out. It was so epic for it’s time. Warcraft 1 definitely needs a remake though, or at least right click to move.

Amazing games when they came out, back when you saw a game by Blizzard and knew it was going to be good. Now look at Blizzard…oh how you’ve fallen.