In B4 flood of horde QQ

Ur right. Might as well just forget bgs and go back to locking down BRM…


Yeah, I can’t imagine fighting in balanced scenarios would work out very well for you hordies anyway.


Yikes girl this is not a good look. Yes… I’m AFRAID to post on my main. For some reason.

Sorry I got two characters leveled up in the time you got one. Probably because your alts get ganked 100 times per day by people like me. Sorry not sorry.

Don’t worry I’m sure you’ll get the last laugh tomorrow over all us horde!!


LOL the rage in your post is palpable. So good.

Also, plays orc rogue and undead mage. All of the stereotypes lmao.


I’ll be curious to know the queue times for horde side battlegrounds. Something tells me that you guys are going to be waiting much longer than Alliance to get in. Alliance honor per hour is going to be much higher than horde.

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pvp happened on a pvp server.if you cant handle any kind of world pvp on a pvp server at all please re roll or quit.

you chose your faction and you chose your server.

Man, know what I love? Not giving a gronn’s backside about pvp.

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my favorite part is when tin linked a very recent blue post and every said he was wrong.


ally thinking we’re gunna have bad queue times, when we’ll have literally the exact same as them.

can’t wait to get my 1100 honor on lock.

No be until the next month long QQ item pops up. Being true or not isnt important from what ive noticed overall

Love it or hate it, pvp has always sustained the longevity of this franchise. Dragon slayers quit once they have all of their shiny gear and every enchant/consumable.
10 or so regular duelers outside org/IF can keep themselves entertained until the servers shut down


oh this is exactly what will happen. then more alliance will leave and the queues will get even worse! so the horde will gank even more and more ally will leave. on and on until all pvp servers go the way of flamelash and horde queue times will be measured in days!

exactly what we will be telling horde to do come tomorrow.


Horde PvP Pool size is three times larger than Alliance on my 35-65 server. Can’t imagine Alliance on PvE Servers competing in any higher ratios.
Ergo you will have half hour queues after a few days just like Pservers.

edit PvP Pool Size may in fact be four times larger at the end of this week.


I mean, horde queus where 15+ minutes on retail servers too… and yet it was still alliance crying constantly about getting stomped over and over…

Your faction is just soft. It attracts soft people, and will fold when pressured, exactly like they do on live after 15 years of getting beat down, barring two lone seasons/expansions when blizzard allowed trinkets to scale to a point where human was the best racial (and to the point where it was 3x stronger than any other racial in the game).

The only QQ after tommorrow will be you sad little alliance realizing that the few meager kills you’ve managed in wpvp where only via the rare times you actually held a numbers advantage… at even odds, yall are just soulshards waiting to end up in my bag.


Bring the ruckus =)


Horde have 0 chance in a battleground where they don’t outnumber alliance 2 or 3 to 1. Get rekt.


WSG is only 10v10 not 40v10


which is why your soft faction stands no chance.

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Bro idk what to tell you but the only players left on Alliance are chads and without numbers you are going to be farmed over and over just like pservers.


Responding to the amount of alliance vs horde on PVE servers. I’m horde on pagle and I always knew we were outnumbered. I thought 3-4 to 1. Last numbers I saw were 85+ %ally… So yes there is allot of alliance out there. Now whether they want to pvp or not is another story.

I would say rolling the faction with instances inside their own territory, and not having to leave a care bear “protected” leveling area until level 45 is for “soft” players.
My server is 70/30 Horde, and the 1 time in a hundred I get to 1v1 or 1v2 the horde are TERRIBLE at pvp.
The sad fact is, without a handful of knuckleheads helping you kill that lone alliance quester, you would get owned.

Horde players are bad at pvp because they are bottle fed all through the lower levels, and spoonfed and catered to by the original blizz devs (whom all played horde)… You can thank them for patching your griphon masters and guards to 55 elites to prevent alliance camping while seeming to forget doing that for the alliance.

Yes, soft indeed.


Because alliance on PVE servers are just as likely to queue BGs as horde on pvp servers right.