In all sincerity, where are you?

They’re busy watching youtube.
They don’t play the game, so they don’t care about what goes down in it. They’ll get paid either way and their buddies will protect them from getting fired, so why put effort into the job?

The reasoning for most people’s anger is warranted.

Most, if not all of the concerns the playerbase has with class balance, class design, bug reports, unfinished and under implemented design formats, have been echoed since alpha.

It’s the complete lack of regard to the playerbase, and lack of knowledge or general big headedness from blizzard that necessitates the outrage from the community.


dont worry, we just need to wait for the league of legends MMO or Ashes of Creations to take off to compete with WoW. Then Ion will finally have take the whip out again and make good changes happen.

Until then Ion will keep watching netflix while in his office.

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Not just one person. Many, many people it feels like.

dude I posted about the same thing couple days ago, saying the game is great just really needs a bit of attention to balancing. There is like 0 proper changes happening. Like you can’t tell me blizzard doesn’t undrestand Convoke is broken…Even druids agree it’s broken. Fixes need to be going out weekly with balancing. This inaction by Blizzard surprises me, look at Riot Games they are CONSTANTLY balancing their game it is a HUGE part of their success.

We don’t need new content atm we need BALANCE!

The thing that is driving me nuts - and just about everyone in my guild - is the horrid lag. Want to raid? Good luck with that. Go to the zone with the world boss? Be prepared to play as if you were glued down.

This is the second expansion I’ve experienced this terrible standard of gameplay and I’m getting very close to tossing it in.

PS: just playing in Revendreth, glided down to fight, game froze and got dc’d. So much fun.


Yea, they certainly can’t respond to player feedback at home. They certainly can’t balance a game at home that they developed and rushed out the door…at home.

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I wasn’t a bfa complainer. I’d rather have 2 more years of bfa than what we have with shadowlands. Shadowlands is empty and unrewarding compared to bfa. It’s ironically…soulless.


They’re on their mobile phone working on the next expansion for WoW called WoW: Immortal. By the way… get and/or upgrade your next phone…hic!


People just want some communication from blizzard Preferably on the forums here as opposed to Interviews and press releases. People also want to have a mini discussion with the devs, Shadowlands beta proved it was definetly a possibility. You can say “Forum posters are toxic” But it doesnt seem to be a problem for the devs.


It’s always a skeleton crew after launch.

We have two tuning-knob turners coming back to work on SL.

The rest of the team have already started work on the next expansion.

They aren’t going to muck about in the mess.

If you want to see a reaction to feedback, discussion, and discontent, watch the patch notes.

the same ten people post how awful the game is

Players: Blizzard there are HUNDREDS of posts criticizing your game WHERE ARE YOU???


I have never read a single post threatening to quit. Is that what you call it when someone says “I have canceled my sub and my time is running out”?

You don’t say? You’ve only seen 10 posts complaining about the game? Why don’t you talk to your good buddies at blizzard and just eject all players from the game to make sure you got rid of all those handful of malcontents you despise so much?

Just so we’re clear: There’s roughly four million active subscribers playing the game judging by Shadowlands sales and other aggregate websites.

Saying that there are hundreds of post on a forum that a very small percentage of players interact with is not really indicative of anything other than forumgoers continuing the trend of complaining about anything and everything.

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It’s basically the social media problem which is that without moderation the negative posts and posters will dominate the discussion, even if nothing is actually wrong.


There is not a reason in the world why a developer could not make a monthly “State of the Game” post on this forum discussing how the team feels about the current state of each aspect of the game. At most it would take a couple hours to compile the notes and write them in paragraph form.

“M+: We see a lot of feedback on how frustrating it is to make sometimes dozens of runs and not get the item you want, particularly legendary recipes you need, so here are possible solutions we are discussing.”

“Druid: We are receiving a lot of feedback on Convoke. Here is our position on it.”

“Paladin: Every paladin in the world wants a better mobility option than Divine Steed. Here is why we disagree.”

Seriously, how hard would that be? Blizzard, you can even email me the notes and I will write it up and post it for free! There is not a single valid excuse why there is absolute radio silence from you beyond advertising in-game events.


didn’t blizzard at one point say they wanted to have better communication between the player base and them? I can’t find a link to where they said it but I think they missed the communicating part.


You know, the funny thing is is that they tried this and the only thing they were met with is discontent and verbal abuse, specifically towards Ion. Nobody is so entitled that they reserve the right to verbally abuse a developer for making their game wrong.

It’s no wonder they don’t do it anymore.

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Edgy, when does the PvP comp finish?? Atleast so I can get a rough idea on when to expect tuning, I was hoping before Blizzcon.

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