In all sincerity, where are you?

For ten years? LOL. Okay


Just in general with SL complaints. Most of it was developed during the pandemic, so
 makes sense why there’s not a ton of content.

more content than there was in bfa

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I can’t be sure but I fairly positive they are Scrooge McDuck’ing in their money pool.


I have three PVP talents that just straight up do not function. They are essentially placeholders.

Blizzard is working VERY HARD indeed at making me care less about the game. I guess I’m on the forums because they haven’t succeeded yet. But
 each day since SL launch they come a little closer.

Currently I’m telling myself “9.1 will be better” but I was telling myself “SL will be better” for 2 months, and “Prepatch will be better” for a few months before that
 etc etc,


I could personally give a pass on content with the covid excuse. The lack of communication however is a complete lack of respect for their paying subscriber base.

It would be terribly difficult for one high level dev to speak for the team from home and make bi weekly posts? Or work in tandem with someone to address posts? Give me a break.

How long would it take to say we are aware of the ongoing issues that players are experiencing and will be working on a hotfix to “WoG healing and toning down burst for fire mages consequent to the AWC results.”

Wow that would almost take 5 minutes to do total.

At least say something. They don’t.


Free to play game and small indie company, man. At least we dont have to buy this game and pay a monthly sub.


I wager all their chips are left on the Con.

Cause if this one falls over whatever’s left of them will be officially absorbed by Activision.

It’s pretty embarrassing tbh


Those people will never be happy, all the BFA complainers just turned into SL complainers is all it is.

If anything
 its these very same forums that made the bed during the beginning of 8.3, infact, throughout BFA in general.


And then there are those the throw broad generalizations around. I was as pretty much fine with all expansions until SL.

22 days left and someone turned the light off at the end of the tunnel.


Maybe they dont feel like they are making enough money on this particular game to make it worth their while. Development time costs a lot o dollas.

One like = one blizz prayer

Like and share please

Their HQ is in Cali

[PC Gamer]Now that Shadowlands is out, are there any big pieces of feedback that you’re working to address?

[Ion]We’re humbled by players’ response to Shadowlands, but we know that launching an expansion isn’t an end for us, but rather a new beginning. The team is listening closely to the community as we look to shape future updates. One big topic of discussion has been the way loot works in the Shadowlands endgame: We significantly reduced the rate at which players earn item rewards, but at the same time also stripped away randomness and tried to give everyone more clear goals to pursue and control over their progress towards them. When it comes to PvP itemization specifically, we’re really happy with how that’s playing out, but we think we can do more to make the experience of running dungeons and raids feel more satisfying when you don’t get a specific item you were hoping for. Otherwise, balance remains an ongoing focus, both through “hotfix” adjustments to the live game and through more involved changes to player abilities, and especially new Shadowlands systems like legendary items and covenants, which will come in patches.

I imagine they in someway get the feedback from the forums, I’d be surprised if all the devs are reading every thread, and then they take it under consideration and hotfix what they agree with :man_shrugging:

I probably wouldn’t expect any big changes until after March 14th

Byproduct of firings
err layoffs. Trim the fat, eat the cheese, milk the cow.


Naughty goblin.


I just did a 3s game on my i200 monk and both my 210 healer and myself died to a druid stealth convoking.

I have a picture of being hit for 26k from starsurge.

The game is horrible. For real. This is ridiculously bad. STEALTH CONVOKE instantly killing both of us.

Great job blizzard!


They are in their own great vault counting :dollar:

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Hiding would be my guess. I’d be hiding too if I just took money off of millions of people in exchange for this miserable excuse for an expansion.