In all honesty about the prot nerfs

It sucks that you’ll have to reroll ret, I’ve heard they are literally unplayable


Dang what is this, Arenajunkies? Feels like 2008 again with all of this R1 drama. :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

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It’s a Tank.


It plays like a healer so it’s a healer

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So nerfs like this happen all the time. Sorry Prot Pally’s aren’t the first ones to get an overnight notice of a major nerf. But you also have to ask, if you class essentially wasn’t a second healer and in some cases more viable healer than an actual healer, would you be at the CR you are? Essentially you are saying this one talent carried you. I mean what about all the other tank specs?

It actually doesn’t change the ladder much at all honestly.


One tank spec. Just one.

You’re right of course. Not to worry, when the Protection guys switch to Ret. then that spec will get wrecked by 80% too. The dev’s never seem to want to listen except when it comes to wrecking months of work and effort put in by the pvp players when they arbitrarily drop the nerf hammer. This of coursed is typically based on certain members of the community who like to whine. Never do they show solid evidence of just how this has to be change because it is impacting pvp in such a way. When the Dev’s are asked to do something it’s, “That can’t be done!!! You’ve no idea what you’re talking about”. But the player can put it in the work, the player can take the long hard road of rebuilding. Yeah same old stuff.


Absolutely 0 pity for you and all other prot pally players. You’ve been abusing your spec for too long and frankly you deserve all that time wasted. Go learn any dps or healing spec and reclaim your dignity.


God I hope so


cry is free tank players

They do tho?? lol wait till we start rolling invincible guardian druids lol

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This is why no one likes tank players.


This is false, as you can not queue double healer in arenas.

Not sure if you are lying or if you made a mistake there.

Maybe now that prot is ded they can buff hpal a bit? Jesus

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But busted dps is fine lol got it


They have already nerfed Ret healing, it’s no where near Prot.

Look around and see where it was said that busted dps is fine.

Now that you see I haven’t said it, realize that - 1. You’re an idiot. And 2. One thing being busted doesn’t mean that another can stay. Prot has helped worse players gain ratings that they deserve more so then arms being insane as well.


Same can be said for busted dps? Maybe you’re the idiot

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The only time prot worked, relative to balance, was wrath. When they decided to give prot near dps equivalent damage, it’s just always been unfun to face them.

That said, I do agree mid or late season changes are dumb.


Again, since you can’t read with your prot pal smooth brain. I never said anything about dps NOT BEING busted.

Now, calm down. You’re spec sucks, you suck, and the worldofwarcraft is better with the prot pal nerfs. Maybe they can do some other tuning in another year rofl.

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