Improving Transmog Collecting - A New Feature!

Hello Everyone!

I had come up with an idea that could really improve transmog collecting and I wanted to get the community’s feedback on this subject. So with that, I’ll get right to how it works!

New NPC: The Garment Collector, an Etheral NPC located where the transmog and void storage npcs are.

How it Works (Example): Say you are on your paladin doing a weekly transmog run through Molten Core. You kill a boss and a piece of Giantstalker (Hunter) tier drops. As it stands now, you wouldn’t be able to collect that appearance because you are not a hunter. With this new system, you can take the piece to the Garment Collector and have the piece be scrapped for a fee. In return for being scrapped, you’ve unlocked the Giantstalker piece for your hunter even though it dropped on your paladin. Of course, you still cannot transmog this piece on your paladin since the transmog rules still apply. This will simply unlock the appearance regardless of what class you play and acquired the item on.

Second example is that you’re on a mage and you are doing Throne of Thunder. A piece of leather gear drops but you aren’t on a leather wearer. You can take the leather piece to the Garment Collector, have them scrap it, and the appearance would unlock for your leather wearers.

I feel that this will help relieve a burden for classes that have a more difficult time clearing raids compared to others. It also helps cut down the amount of weeks a player has to farm for the desired piece. Transmog rules still apply, this is simply a new way that people can acquire their desired transmogs.


I’d love something like this or something akin to this! Mog runs can feel bad when looting stuff you can’t equip. Being able to to collect mog for other armor types/classes would make mog runs more enticing to do.


While I also agree that a system should be added to allow for collection of “none-equipable” gear, I’d love for it to be more convenient and apparent way than this. Having to travel to a major city and empty each item you want added (I’m guessing this probably would be limited to one item at a time) would just be an annoyance in the long run.

I’d suggest just extending the “if you vendor it, you get the mog” to all items, regardless if you can equip it or not.