Improving the Professions

I want to make a suggestion for WoW that goes back to the beta. We need to change how professions work. I love playing multiple characters but I love games were I can practice all the skills at once and I have love how detailed in can be in other MMO’s, especially FFXIV were you can master them like classes. Is there anyone else who has experienced these games that doesn’t see the issue of having a character master all in WoW as well? FFXIV is a great example of a thriving market were even if you can you don’t necessarily have to take on any professions with how their market system works. Idk I just wanted to see what others think to improve the game, like the ability to have all professions or have node locked areas to gather certain resources like in FFXIV. Curious to see what people think and love to hear some opinions on the matter as fellow players.

Curious as to why we need to change how professions work. I would not take the forum as a decent, randomized sample.

I played FFXIV professions at a fairly high level. Grinded out the best of the best gear and Penta-melded most of it.

Do I want all professions on one character? Mm. Probably not. Some of my characters have been that profession since BC. It’s part of their identity. My paladin tanked with random newbies through BRD so that I could get to the forge at the back and do blacksmithing. My priest finally got crusader enchant in WotLK after years of trying. My warlock is still my transmute master, even though it doesn’t count anymore.

Gathering though would be ok to have all of them I guess. Idk not enthusiastic about this.

You had all professions on one character in FFXIV because grinding through the MSQ multiple times for different characters is not something most people would do.

Not sure what you mean by “locked nodes”. They have timed nodes and regular nodes in FFXIV. I don’t think the regular nodes would be appropriate for wow. You go to an area and basically you are invisible to enemies and you farm the same 4 nodes over and over and over. In wow that would be a bot paradise. It would also be boring. In FFXIV you split your time between doing regular nodes, using your GP for collectibles, and timed nodes. The regular nodes were just there to do something to recharge GP.

It’s really hard to pick out one system and take it without all the reasoning that goes with it.

It would save you a lot of time, for sure. To a subscription based game that thrive on peoples spending time in it? NOPE. Not gonna happen. People with nothing to do go elsewhere, stop their sub perhaps never to return. So fellow player? Go play FFXIV if it is what you enjoy.

I would actually love to see those guys saying wow’s system is “too complicated” to try FFXIV crafting.

Making a single pot involves 14 steps, not including any pre-crafts, and that’s only if you’re geared enough to make it “the easy way”.

Ah, so simple case of rose tinted glasses. Thanks Teishoku.

Well it is fun in a sense. The crafting mini game is like a math and probability puzzle (which I think is fun anyway). I had my calculator on hand every time I crafted anything. And no add-ons to do your math for you!

But it’s incredibly grindy --it’s a jrpg so that’s expected.

The main issue I have with it is that it has exactly the opposite philosophy as wow. Wow had this idea of “easy to play, hard to master”. But for FFXIV the starting knowledge and studying you need is very high. At the end, when you’ve Penta-melded your items (grinded the best stats and gear) you are rewarded … by not having to play the creating mini-game anymore. Those 14 steps, you macro them. You can only macro them if you have enough gear. So it’s “hard to play… Boring to master”.

I guess if you never got to the master stage you wouldn’t know …