Improving RSS Queue Times

We’ve suggested various ways to improve RSS queues.

The director of Overwatch talked about their efforts to reduce queue times and the lessons they’ve learned.

It might seem obvious, but their most effective method to reduce queue times was changing the format to be closer to the actual ratio of players queuing for each role.

That solution might be possible for Battleground Blitz, but it’s probably not feasible for RSS.


Idk, easiest solution is to just delete DH so there’s 1 less DPS class queueueing


There is no fix. Players in most part don’t like playing other roles than damage.

The only fix would be to get rid of roles, but that will never happen because it would ruin the quality of the game.


First sane post on the topic. Really hoping BG blitz is successful and not just months of tank/warlock players abusing map features to make the game unplayable

you mean the same thing hunters and rets do in shuffle when 50% of the map pool is rook and ruins?

yea buddy thats right

Thanks for sharing this article! It does a good job highlighting popular strategies and suggestions that I’m sure theyve considered, but havent actually proven to be very successful.