Have this ret talent improve the effectiveness of Horn of Lordaeron as well.
Paladins literally no longer use Might, almost all raids i’ve run will have atleast one paladin in the melee group whether its a prot / ret / or holy paladin, they’ll be running horn over Might 100% of the time.
Give paladins more of a reason to invest into this talent, As retribution I get all the hit chance I need from my gear set so investing points into prot for hit is useless for me and 11 points is all i need in holy to get Consecration and I only need 32/33 points in retribution to get every useful talent i need which leaves me with 7-8 talent points that really only can be spent on healing talents for any real benefit.
Atleast changing Improved Blessing of Might to include Horn of Lordaeron will give us a reason to invest those 5 points into that talent instead of leaving it entirely useless.