Please improve the reward for pet battles between players, because only 200 xp for the winning pets and nothing else, makes disinterest grow. An example would be 2000 xp for the winning character and 700 for the winning pets, and 1000 xp for the losing character and the pets 350 xp.
I’m confused.
Almost no PvP matches happen with any pet below level 25. I know it’s possible to enter the queue with pets below 25, but pretty much nobody does. If you enter with pets below 25, the queue will try to match you with other people with pets of equal level, and fail. And you will wait forever.
And while people certainly do queue with characters below max, the XP reward from a PvP battle with three 25s is equivalent to any other battle against three 25s, which varies with your character level, but is typically 1/50th to 1/80th of a level.
Better rewards for pet pvp needs to happen. I think they’re gonna do it in a rework of systems patch closer to housing, but it should happen sooner!! I won’t assume we’re getting anything at all until it happens. It’s not hard to put a few rewards in. Make them not crappy recolors either. Something like, unlocking more pets following us around. Something aesthetic we actually would enjoy.
We should at the very least be able to have our mogs shown in the queue. Honestly it should also show name and allow chat. Make it like Arena. We’re adults. We can handle conflict. We literally can’t even have a pet pvp culture because we cant even talk to other players who pet pvp, or even see them. This design is a perfect example of Blizzard’s old design philosophy that SUCKS. This isn’t how you get players to have fun together. This is helicopter parenting.