Impressive Influence Reputation Bonus is Live!

I just noticed

*Bonus excludes Rajani and Uldum Accord reputation.

That’s an odd decision.
Its basically only for allied races then I guess? I was looking forward to going back and doing some old reps for achievement points but I guess that’s not within the scope of this.
Oh well, I already have exalted with all the recent ones!

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Got my hopes up with Uldum and Rajani. Only way I was gonna do dailies again for paragon boxes.

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I’m not going to empathize when those very people wouldn’t do the same for me and you know they wouldn’t.

Yah, pretty disappointed about the Rajani and Uldum Accord deal. Was holding onto turning the Rajani half-weekly thing for this! Oh well.


Seems to be bugged for me. I have seen a REDUCTION in reputation earned, and have submitted a ticket as well. The quest “Anger in a bottle” gives 75 reputation points, but I was awarded 53 on my human (10% racial bonus to rep). Somehow, the buff is negatively affecting my gains.

That is something you have to grind for, like wintersabre trainers way back when.

Appreciate the XP boost. But how come it’s limited to BFA and Legion rep? Reputation grinds still exist for content dating all the way back to vanilla, why leave those out of the equation?


thanks for excluding the only reps i need from 8.3 so i can continue to ignore the bad dailies!

The buff shows up for my 110 level character, but not for my level 100 characters on the same server who are just starting Legion.

I did the starting scenario, grabbed my Legendary Weapon and even picked up a Legion Rep but still no buff. I have also relogged to confirm that it didn’t fix the problem.

Is this intentional?

Wouldn’t have killed blizzard to make this an across the board 100% reputation increase. I’d have been on it like a shot to get “The Insane.”

Rep increases for Rajani and Uldum Accord would have had me working at them again too. And perhaps enticed more players back into these already deserted new zones.

Instead it only works for 110+ characters, only on Legion and SOME BfA reps.

Sure it will be useful for some reps, but won’t help with Mechagnomes as Mechagon rep is not increased. I’m guessing Nazjatar rep won’t be, either.

It’s a limited thing. They stated it didn’t include the Rajani and Uldum factions, and the Honeyback Hive isn’t a faction, it’s not something that is, for example, open to both Horde and Alliance in some form. It’s just an Alliance-specific group you need to grind for to gain the mount.

Don’t be looking a gift-bee in the mouth!

I sort of agree with this though. While I am grateful for the rep boost, it would have been lovely to give us something to tempt us back into earlier expansion play. I’d have been able to work on some of those old reps I don’t have yet. I think anything that gets players out in the world is a good thing.

Just kinda seems like a slap in the face to players who have been playing this expansion. 100% Rep buff should apply to all factions (maybe not the 2 newest reps). Go back and grind old reps if you’re already maxed on BFA ones. :man_shrugging: Free buff is free tho. So oh well.

Poor mechagnomes… gets shafted again…

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I think you are misunderstanding how the bee mount is awarded. Getting exalted doesn’t give you the bee mount, sadly. I hit exalted and thought I would now be able to get the bee - but you have to grow the little buzzy guy to size as well. So the real bottleneck is not the rep, it is the amount of honey you have to feed him with.

I already have everything exalted except mechagnomes and I don’t really care about them. I could get some paragon bags I guess

I was going to grind that out. Glad to hear it’s not included before I wasted my time on it.

FYI everybody, Argus is jam packed with players right now. It’s like the Legion prepatch invasions there.

So glad I don’t have to visit those canyons of sadness anymore.

I go back once in a great while to one shot that Fel Reaver that used to stomp on me outside Hovel.

*Also, I go back to Val’sharah just to one shot that annoying demon at Temple of Elune.

100% rep gain is fantastic. It’s been far too long since I made progress on my allied races. I absolutely should start working on my allied races so I can go out and murder alliance. Alliance you just sit back and relax

Got Glorious Felcrusher mount from last Army of the Light paragon box! Thanks for the rep bonus!!! :+1:

Anyone know if it’s working for Mech gnomes rep?