Impositions Quest: (Spoilers from 10.5.)

Oh, I should mention. The gas mask Pandaren is a good gag character, he should survive IMO.

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He dies and has 0 lines.

He does have lines. They’re comedic gag lines. One that’s actually managed to be slightly funny, for once.
If things should be altered eventually, he should live.

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wow lore is dead and garbage, who cares. Go all classes all races already


Some of us try to preserve what little of the lore is left!

Then he dies…

I still find it funny that they all just… die off-screen when the one who gets to live is the one who didn’t commit to the Warlock thing and questioned it.

The Burnic Crusade show us that draenei can indeed become fallen and use shadow-based magic so there is indeed room for draenei warlocks BUT they need to be shunned and lose their “gift of Naruu” racial ability. For Lightforged not so much. An argument could be made that they have warlocks to capture and study demons, their arch enemies but I rather see that they handle this differently even if that means hiring warlocks for this purpose. The Illidari also hate warlocks but are able to work with them when they have to since this is shown in Legion.

I thought this was going to take a twist and show people how fun Warlocks are now. Like the Fel isn’t some tainted corrupted power but some happy go lucky succubus kissing adventure.

let it go.


Don’t tell them that Teldrassil isn’t real and that it didn’t actually happen :woozy_face:

Ignoring the holes in the lore, I’m confused as how increasing options decreases the player base. Also there have been lore holes since Vanilla, why are these lore holes the ones that drives players away?

This, it’s been trash for a long time now.

Keep trying that, eventually you and people like you will lose the battle because all classes will be opened for all races and stuff you dislike or will dislike like Lightforged Draenei Warlock, Void Elf Paladin and Blood Elf Druid will become available and playable for people who want to play them and who will enjoy them.

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And where prey tell do we start the Quest?

Because the warlock combos aren’t even on the PTR yet, and I’ve not seen anything posted online yet for this questchain. Which you would THINK WoWhead would’ve posted by now.

Madam Shadow was actually a Nathrezim, who was actually a member of the Shadow Council pretending to be a Dreadlord? Is that it?

Is this stuff even really in the PTR?

From what I can tell on the PTR so far, no it isn’t. OP has been commenting all over the forums though trying to rile people up about Class/Race unlocks and how it’s “bad for everyone”.

There have been images of people seeing a Warlock LF Trainer, but his quest text I’ve seen at least, isn’t bad or related to this. But I’ve not yet seen the trainer in game of PTR yet, and I’m looking at the moment.

Yea, I checked wowhead too and found nothing.

Looks like we got ourselves a trollin’ troll. :dracthyr_lulmao:

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You forgot the part where they abandoned the Legion to follow Denathrius, whose motivations involved withholding anima from the other realms of undeath and ultimately tossed his lot in to rewrite all of existence.

No fel usage in sight there.

This questline is in the game.
Its related to the darkmoon faire to start it.
On alliance its near the mage tower in stormwind.
Theres a man there with a horse-drawn carriage you ride to the faire

The questline is.
I didnt pay any attention to the name of the dreadlord to verify that part

I’ve seen the carriage guy in Stormwind now, with Madam Shadow’s Demons. But no character can start it, for me at least.

For those looking to see the carriage, it’s in the grass near the Old Demon Hunter Roost area of the Mage District.

I am willing to admit I might be wrong on the quest not being true. However, it does seem odd that I can’t get it to start and WoWhead hasn’t covered it at all yet.

Go to this link, and you’ll see a screen of a LF Warlock talking it might be OP’s Oman character. Although honestly his words make more sense as a LF then a Regular Draenei:
Wow heading for another wave of player loss - #467 by Sendryn-sentinels

The overall story of the quest chain I suppose makes sense on how any can dabble if they choose to. But it’s really weird all the same. Assuming it’s real that is.

Was that in PTR at some point?