-IMPORTANT We need to address Ninja Kickers in LFG

There’s been a large influx of people abusing the Vote Kick system in LFG. Whether it’s because friends are egging each other on, or malicious players are intentionally kicking others to inflict the Dungeon Deserter debuff on people; with how the penalty works this recent update I think there needs to be a strong adjustment.

Having to wait 30 minutes because a pull goes wrong and one person in the party decided you were to blame, even though you weren’t, is extremely abhorrent behavior, and an extreme flaw in the system for new players coming into the scene.

I’m not sure what the best solution is besides reverting one or more of the changes to the Deserter Debuff, but I think it’s best to begin the discussion as soon as possible, and as soon as we start seeing the behavior.

what exactly is a “ninja kicker”?

If you think someone is abusing a game system, report them. What exactly is your resolution to this “problem”? To remove the vote-kick system that has been in the game for 15 years? Yeah right, it works fine and does its job.

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Please provide evidence of this claim.