The ISB is currently looking to fill its second 10 man team and finish our 25 man roster in time for P1 WotLK! We are a semi hardcore guild looking for veteran raiders who want a friendly and fun environment with the expectation to clear content and earn achievements in phase. We are always looking for support roles (Tanks, Healers) with dual specialization! We offer guild repairs to our raiders and have a very active and knowledgeable player base.
- Raid times Tentatively set for M/W/F 21:30 (9:30 P.M.) Server time for Progression runs
- Weds/Fri are push nights, Mon are reserved in case we still need to clean up a lockout
- Sat/Sun raids available for farmed content to gear Alts of raiders or friends and family
- We use a class BiS prio Loot system with an initial priority to our Tanks and Healers for Progression.
Applicants can reach out in Game to any active ISB members or on Discord @ Badaxe#5901