Imperial Council Recruiting. -Server: Atiesh
Hi, we are a very small casual guild looking to fill out a 10 man roster for normal raiding.
-We are adults, however chatter and sense on humor can often be very R rated so easily offended people probably shouldnt consider.
-As we are super small, interested people should be self sufficient, we try and run a few heroic 5 mans in the evening but at many times may not even be anyone on.
-Most of us are West Coast (same as server time).
-We would like to start raiding as soon as this friday/saturday. Current goal is just 10 man normal raids, we are not sweaty this would not be a good choice for hardcore people.
-New people who put in effort to gear etc, and just want to get into raiding are highly encouraged to join.
-Current Raid schedule not set in stone, we are trying to get filled and start as soon as this friday/sat ~6pm server. Long term would probably be 1 weekend, 1 weekday 6-9 server(2 nights a week).
-Casuals who just want to get into some raiding encouraged to consider joining.
-Currently need 1 tank, all heals, and ~2 dps.
-We had a succesful casual 10 man crew through all the original WotLK and Cata, but I’m fairly recently back.
-To recap, we are and intend to stay a casual 10 man normal guild, heroic raids/25 man or more really isn’t in the plans or desired. If you are chill and want to get into normal 10 man content while its still relevant please consider contacting me.
If you have any questions, or want to consider joining. Message, or mail my main ingame name: Ahreta. Can also try /who imperialcouncil and see if anyone is online.