<Impact> Frostmourne [A]

9/10M Recruiting for 9.1 and current core roster.


High Prio

Low Prio
Monk (all specs)
Shaman (resto)

We have recently transferred from Saurfang with the best players from our core which were the top players in the server. Our previous guild was “The Fall” - Saurfang [H].

Please feel free to check this on wowprogress or warcraftlogs.

Collectively we have reached 9/10M as of 2 months ago, however decided to transfer to Frostmourne for more opportunities of recruitment. Previous to this we had 12/12M Nya and 6/8M EP

We are close group of friendly and inclusive players that are looking for more to join us! We also run m+ everyday with our teams ranging from 1.4k-2.1k IO.

Raid Times:

Mon/Wed/Thurs 8:30pm-11:30pm ST

If the above is of interest to you and you want to join an established team ready to take the next step feel free to contact one of the following below:

Pok Bnet: (JSX#11528) Discord: JSX#0777
Morbus Bnet: (x21n#1344) Discord: morbo#9999