{Immortal Paradox} Recruiting all, mostly healer and dps

{Immortal Paradox}
What our guild is about:

Hello! We are a group of friends looking to rebuild our guild! Currently starting small but looking to grow into raiding again. We have AoTC for previous seasons. We are a community first, casual guild, everyone gets to play/raid and have fun, no one gets left out. We are looking to pickup our old raiding schedule and raid 2 days out of the week (more info further down). During raid we expect seriousness but fun will always be the priority! Besides raiding, we have people that play just about all activities WoW has to offer so you’ll be able to find someone to do something with whether its mythic+ or pvp, achievements, etc.
IF raiding is not your thing! We welcome all! And would love to have you.

Guild Behaviors:
We are adults with families, full-time jobs, and outdoor hobbies. When we get on the game to play, we want to have FUN! And hopefully meet a few people irl along the way. After all we are choosing to play a game with real people on the other side of it. THAT being said everyone has different personalities… some personalities stronger than others which is great! Be your AUTHENTIC SELF! However, we will not tolerate toxic, negative, passive aggressive, gas-lighting energies.

Raid times are Tuesday and Wednesday 8pm to 11pm EST server time.
Tanks (Full) okay with offspec tank/dps main.
Healers (Open Recruitment)
DPS (Open Recruitment)

Reach out on Discord:
marilynn02 or yemoja
We hope to hear from you!


All is welcome :slight_smile:

Still looking for people!

2 Need healers and 3 range dps to join our team

Looking for 1 healer and 3 ranged dps. Raid time are set for Tuesday & Wednesday 8pm to 11pm eastern time zone.

Looking for 3 ranged dps. Need mage, warlock. Raid times are Tuesday & Wednesday 8pm to 11pm easter time zone.

Looking for 3 ranged dps. Need mage, warlock. Raid times are Tuesday & Wednesday 8pm to 11pm easter time zone.

Need a mage to round off our raid team :slight_smile:
All are still welcome including casual players.