Imagine not playing on Era

Do you actually play it though? Since youre mostly blank logs and on the forums 24/7


indeed i do :expressionless: not everyone cares about muh logs

theres no reasoning with the brain damaged apes known as classic era players. they are delusional. not even worth trying

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These types of toxic players leaving for Anniversary is a big reason why Era is so good.


I like TBC raids in some ways more, but the PVP is meh at best. Its so slow and resilience play in addition to the paladin nerfs that took place in patch 2.0 that were never undone really deleted the class from paly.

Additionally the TBC out of combat timer cripples rogues and mages considerably in respect to playing non-Sub / Non-frost in PVP.

Additionally, the over buffing of druids was not needed, its already the strongest class overall in Era,.

Contrary to popular dogma Warrior is still the best DPS in TBC, and arguably the best multi role tank and when supported by pala god tier in BG’s

RNG resists and stuff in Arena make it less good than it could be.

Did I mention Resilience PVP is cancer?

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Incredibly uncalled for, sir. Please take your childish insecurities elsewhere.

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TBC is good for exactly 1 thing: karazhan :expressionless: that’s it

Tried era is dead. Blizzard should shut it down and put the money towards making a store mound. That would generate more profit for stock holders.


I really do like Black Temple and Sunwell Also they’re both good raids for different reasons.

I even kinda like Serpent Shrine also.

If you got on one of the RP realms sure I guess but Whitemane Cluster(PVP) and Mankirk Cluster(PVE) are both very active all day every day.

Right now we have 5 WSG’s up and poppin off.

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Sub 10k pop. Literally dead


Literally contradicting yourself.

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Dead server. Should be shut down.


trolling is against the forum rules :expressionless:

I am not trolling. Just giving my opinion. Era isn’t popular enough to care to play on. Ani Servers are more popular and the same thing. Why ever go to era?


to avoid players like you, for one thing :expressionless:

Yeah my guild wouldn’t let you in anyways you struggle on world bosses in full bis after playing the easiest version of wow for 10 years

keep proving your toxicity :expressionless:

Toxic? This is classic wow. You’re the one gatekeeping for some reason.

Looking at logs that I will add are only typically recorded by the few GDKP’s left running are far from illustration of server population.

Tritonal guilds are taking over era right now and most of these players are very casual and do not log their raids, they don’t even care. The only thing they care about is clearing the raid and getting loot for their characters.

I joined one of the guilds that formed recently for raid and its really fun, and super chill and they don’t give 2 craps whatsoever about much… They even have a few meme specs in the roster; They have a Boomy, Feral and Ret.

We have 4 WSG’s poppin with lots of fresh characters in them.

Very very far from dead, but if logs are all you care about and you’re that foolish then thank you for your time.

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