You might be a sheep, but I’m the wolf.
You might be a sheep, but I’m the wolf.
Coming to an Era thread to bash it is far more cringe. If you aren’t interested there’s the door.
Nobody made you come here. You did that all on your own.
People playing on Era see it as the exact opposite. What you earn in Era stays relevant forever and currently there is no other version of the game where this is the case. In any other version when you get the best gear it becomes obsolete in a few months. I personally would consider that a waste of time.
You realize that White-mane and the other Era Classics were all also mega-servers. Sharding is just as bad, if not worse than layering, and the only reason it isn’t an issue for you guys right now is because people went to go play Anniversary.
As much as you can talk up Era. The fact is, I can hit 60 and go straight into Naxx and get carried, and that just is a huge turn off for me
ya can’t wait to go to the MC GDKP and pay 10,000 for T1
tBC is peak WoW whether people admit it or not…
Literally no one is going to invite a fresh 60 to Naxx. You still need to progressively gear up. But you are correct that you can do it much faster with all content available. You can absolutely go into MC, Ony, AQ20 and ZG as a fresh 60 and completely skip dungeons. Well, except for attunements that is.
t1 is min bid very often I’d assume
Only the items that are near bis would have value - bindings, striker’s mark, quickstrike, accuria, onslaught girdle - everything else will be pretty cheap on Era.
And even those may be decently cheap in half the raids depending on who is there.
Only 7? How do you get anything done with a zone pop that low?
7 is plenty what are you talking about
how do you get anything done with 7000 people in the zone? lol
I actually can imagine not playing on Era.
I have a level 60 Druid on Era, he’s PvP rank 10.
I like not getting clapped by level 60s in full Naxx gear.
I like being able to find groups for low level dungeons and quests.
I like working with other players who are also starting their WoW journey from the ground up.
I like being able to know that in the future, people won’t be buying raid gear through GDKPs.
I like being able to form or join PUGs that don’t require me to flash 1,000 gold in order to get in (which was probably swiped for in the first place).
I would hope Blizzard allows transfers from Anniversary to Era once TBC arrives.
But I can imagine that may not happen.
doesn’t happen, at least not on my current lowbie characters the people who would do that are very busy keeping up on shamiversary
can easily do that on era
can easily do that on era
don’t have to do GDKPs. live and let live
can easily do that on era
i don’t. if you want an era character, level one on era.
It’s been 6 years, get some naxx gear, consumes, and show your wow pvp skill.
Era is when you have forever to play so skill is what floats up
It does happen. My Druid is on the Alliance, and farming AV was absolutely cancer. I was getting two-shotted and three-shotted by players in full Naxx gear. I’ll log on and record it happening if you want to see proof. You’re lying out your teeth.
Actually, no you can’t – I had to ask level 60s to come help me with quests I needed groups for. Era is dead compared to Anniversary. There is no two ways of putting it.
You can’t do this on Era because the auction house is INFLATED to all hell, way past the inflation currently seen on Dreamscythe or Nightslayer. This is because of GDKPs.
I haven’t seen a single PUG advertised in Era the entire duration of grinding to Rank 10, which as you know took over a month.
I will be back if Anniversary does not transfer to Era once all is said and done.
i thought you were complaining about being a lowbie getting camped if this is lvl 60 pvp, then get better gear. naxx groups are running all the time, and no, you don’t need to be a swiper to join.
Are these groups taking players that don’t know the fights, don’t have vent/discord, don’t have addons, don’t have the expected spec?
I don’t see myself getting into any of these Naxx raids you claim are so easy to get into.
Nothing short of LFR is going to allow me to raid Blackwing Lair.
yeesh if you’re begging for LFR just to raid BWL maybe era isn’t for you
And there goes your ignorance.
I could always lobby for era to get LFR; annivers. does have dual spec.
I suppose I’d have to wait for Cataclysm classic to get into LFR then…
Oh wait…
I think Eyr is a troll.
Constantly shilling for Era.
Era and Anniversary are totally different.
Anniversary has instant-mail to alts.
Dual talent trees.
Looking For Group/Looking For Raid tool.
A Services chat channel.
Era has none of these things.
Oh no sir…
They’re not trolls…
They purposefully feign being ignorant because shining light to these matters and discussing them in a proper fashion makes their positions look weak on everything.
Which makes you wonder why not just have added RDF to vanilla-annivers if these servers are just going to end up in Wrath anyways.