Exactly. I play for fun. There’s a point at which hyper competitiveness just sucks the fun out of something and it becomes a job.
Classic bosses are 10x harder than any retail bosses. Everyone knows this.
What’s so funny about that? There is a big difference between “Good” play and playing “Optimally” and you’re confusing them.
Good players can also play optimally or they can play good and have fun also.
Sometimes you can have fun while playing optimally.
My boss is harder. Therefore you’re not having fun.
Ok… Cool.
Just stop taking his bait, everything he says is formulated to illicit a response, he has no real thoughts or opinions.
No there isn’t ur just a clown. Ur sub top .01% in every game lol
Here you go again making things up as you go along. Pitiful display of Frostfire tactics; I am disappointed in you.
so what are we supposed to admire and emulate the people who are miserable while playing WoW
Refer to eastcoasts comment above yours
You missed my point ill make it easier
Theres a strong correlation in bein successful be that games irl or any other hobby its no coincidence most blue haired neets parse grey and successful 6 figure chads parse pink.
so now you want to try to flex about IRL finances on the classic WoW forum?
We should emulate you, be angry at every black lotus thread and “dual spock”.
I mean if you can’t be good at this game what can you be good at
What everyone complaining is failing to realize is, once anniv. is over. The chars are just getting moved to TBC and where’s that gonna leave ya? Era. Remind me when the anniv. fanboys are forced back into Era.
projection i’m not the one angry about black lotuses.
I hope blizzard changes it not because it’s good for the game just because I know it would make you furious.
You would be tossing and turning at night
I can’t wait for the anniversary to era transfers to accidently allow dual spec on era, and blizz decides to just leave it in
don’t even joke about that
I hope it happens
it won’t