Imagine Killdozer as a mount


I love that story in a weird sort of way. No one got hurt except Heemyer, just a metric ton of property damage and the man himself didn’t make it (which I’m pretty sure was working as intended since he literally could not get out).

I like that they momentarily considered getting the national guard to fire a hellfire missile at it, then were like “populated area, civilians, perhaps we should rethink?”

The fact he didn’t so much as run a single person over is probably what makes it for me, and the way I understand it but for maybe a few random cars he only targeted businesses and such of the people he had grievances against. And if you read into his grievances it’s like, maybe he took it too far, but I’d feel aggrieved too if that happened to me."

Kinda makes him the Robin Hood of self destructive chaos. Go Killdozer!


Too hick.

Too awesome for you.


And by awesome, you mean hick. Yes, I agree.



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These comments are, hows you say, underwhelming?

It should be a mount but once you mount up you have to keep moving until you get stuck and the only way out is to cancel your sub.

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