Imagine healing a +15

I am curious, do you play your own keys or actually get invited as a mistweaver ?

I mostly play my own keys, but if I am looking for a specific key I will sign up. I get invites more than I get declined. Can’t say that’s how it goes for every MW.

MW absolutely can and does heal 15s comfortably. Try the caster build if you are struggling with the fistweaver build.

There really isn’t a prejudice to inviting people till youre at 18+.

That’s when people start thinking you need to be either +400 IO over them, or a meta class.

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Same, so far I am up to 16’s, 17’s and have tried a couple 18’s. I have gone as both caster and fistweaving. Most of the time it’s fine and I don’t feel like I lack any aoe healing with the exception of some unfortunate overlaps (i.e. getting quaking while in Hyrja storm bubble) that make things more annoying.

I use both my own key and pug. People aren’t looking for only meta until over 18’s anyway because anything with heals can do fine before then. The only caveat is that I won’t apply to groups with titles like “BIG PP PUMPERS” because those are obviously looking for only meta. I’m not saying that MW don’t still need work but it’s not all as bad as some people try and make it out to be.


She’s gonna be dirty powerful too when we get them shields in 10.0.7

Agree with everything you’ve said. I’m healing 17’s/18’s and hps isn’t really an issue. More so pugs messing up mechanics and getting chunked/one shot, which at 17/18 can really hurt the key if it’s early tyran fight and things take forever.

Excited for Yu’Lon shields and also 5 man Shielun’s in 10.0.7, more fancy things for mw makes me happy


Yeah I was honestly surprised to see more MW buffs in 10.0.7.

The 5 target SG will be nuts for dungeons and Yulon providing a shield will be so good considering it’s on the GCD.

And just flat healing buffs.

I’m just worried MW will get nerfed a month later.


Sadness if they nerf us after :3

I still have a feeling a MW class tree will eventually happen


As they are experimenting with fistweaving I do believe they will sometime soon do some more changes. I just hope they will aim to keep both playstyles viable. Both are nice to play.

Other than having WAY too many talents based around expel harm I don’t think it’s too bad.

Tiger statue does decent damage on big pulls.

Serpent statue is pretty good if you run unison and are MWing.

Double trancedence is very nice.

8% healing and 4% avoidance to the all the melee (monks are primarily in melee range) is pretty nice.

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The top 1 monk healer is a streamer over 3.2k io. Look for her in twitch as Megasett if you want to learn from her. I played with her and is a really amazing player. She also respond to your questions in the stream.

I was able to hit 2678 as pure MW casting, no fistweaving (not my cup of mana tea). It’s not easy at all, climbing up the IO ladder as MW with pugs… If i had a solid group that I did m+ with i can easily achieve 3k. But it definitely takes a lot more energy to heal as MW than some other classes. Also, one of the hardest things to do, is get an invite to the group… lol… no one wants to invite MW, even with a decent IO score…


None wants a healer who does negative dps. You are asking for people to carry you if you ever think of higher rio.

Don’t exaggerate, it weakens your argument.


You do know pure MWers still do dps right?

It’s not as much, but they aren’t just channeling soothing mist when there is no/minimal damage to heal.


Exactly, that’s what’s so off with the arguments. As a caster mw I still want to rsk for the free rem, still sck for mystic touch, and if I want can spec into AT for some fw healing.

I’m still in melee to leg sweep but have the luxury of backing out to cast song of chiji and not lose out on how I heal.

Faeline stomp is just garbage, I find much more success not using it because I won’t force myself into bad situations to stay on it.

Vivify bomb heals are crazy right now, not sure how people are struggling at 15s.


I don’t have any idea how some of these people are having such a hard time either regardless of which build they are running. People keep coming in here saying they can’t get past 1400, can’t heal a 7 on a monk etc. but I just don’t see it.

Unfortunately, the community seems to be believing them though and it’s frustrating.


I do very minimal dps. I don’t think my 20k dps is going to make or break the run. Also, when there is a ton of healing to do, I’m spamming heals not dpsing. I disagree that a healer should dps at all. Unless it’s part of your mechanics to do so, healers job is to keep the group alive at all costs… Like I said my contribution of 20k dps isn’t going to do anything.

I agree with all points. Many times I feel like I don’t have enough options to save the group without a lot of set up.

I also feel MW should be the best healer DPS due to the play style. I can easily put out more DPS on my shammy and prevoker, and do similar DPS with my priest at a safe range.


Just fistweave to 2k. Easy peasy