Imagine being the first sentient human

It wasn’t something that is or isn’t. It was a long build up and even then the idea of being “self aware” is highly subjective as no one can agree at which point someone is. Many animals show various degrees of self awareness. Octopuses for example can figure out a mirror, and even recognize their own reflection, heck they even recognize a picture of themselves.
Crows extensively use tools, and recognize people decades later.
And look at dogs, they share many of the same characteristics humans have,

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Clearly not as all humans are fully self aware today which means those genes succeeded and were passed on.

Until you find as community of neruodivergent people.

Plus there is a large genetic factor so while it can appear as a mutation there is a good chance someone in your ancestory had it such as parent or grandparent and a higher likelihood of your good having it.

Not every neruodivergent person is able to find community and if they do it could be after decades of loneliness. Even if a parent or grandparent had it that does not mean a connection will be formed with them.

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Adam & Eve is actually a story about humankind gaining sentience, and the price we paid for it.

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Adam n Eve found out.




This thread is not for me…

:boom: :door:


Got mine. You can’t have him!

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Does he have a moderately attractive sister? Doesn’t have to be movie star jaw dropping, but mildly good looking and with brains and a personality is the mark.

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just let him age 2 million years.

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And then I would have looked on, knowing deep in my soul that it was only downhill from here for humans. We got so much stupider over time.

is this a description of what it’s like to be a Guide in the newbie chat?

ah, I immaturely jumped over the good part in OPs post:

I have a neurotypical and a non-neurotypical child, the latter being diagnosed moderate/severe autism. I get to experience connecting on various levels and each day can be a struggle. But damn if hearing that little boy laugh when we do connect ain’t the best sound in the world.

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Random new player in chat: “/wave at Gor’groth”

Me: sighs “Exile’s Reach claims another one.”

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Imagine being the first sentient human and looking at cow udders and going “I want what’s in there”

The word is Sapient.

Sapience is different from sentience. Sentient is being aware of your surroundings but lack high intelligence. Sapient is being a critical thinker and having wisdom.

Sapience is Latin for Wise (hence the scientific name for Human is Ho-mo Sapiens=Wise Man, I can’t spell the first word because blizzard doesn’t allow it).
Sentience is Latin for feeling (hence why it is referred for animals who often feel rather than think).

I think the proper title is imagine being the first Sapient Human.

Sometimes I like to read and think about what is beyond the cosmos , what are visual binary star systems, quasars, neutron stars and then I realize humans are still fighting over small pieces of land and who said what… I realize we’re not even close to a space faring civilization, I think we need another 6,000 years probably. :disappointed: