I'm thinking of trying WOTLK, which class to play for solo questing?

I’ve read enough topics in here to know to not be delusional and expect to do dungeons while leveling, so I wonder what is the most fun class to play solo 1-80?

I’m thinking about Enhancement Shaman would that be any good to solo elites quests and so on?

is the one you like

how to find what you like? that’s up to you!
it can be based on similar characters you played in other RPG games or it can depend on your personality if you want to be within the fight as a melee type or you like to hit & run as a ranged type

there is no such thing in wotlk. most mobs got huge nerf and any class / spec can solo every yellow/orange quests.

Note that we’re in phase3 and soon end game content will arrive, So if you’re aiming to play end game with your character you might want to check the class/spec that will help you find easier groups/raids since some specs doesn’t scale better with time.

Unless you play for pure fun then pick what ever you feels like picking based on your own choice.


Druid is a super flexible class that lets you try a little bit of everything.

I’ve never been a fan of the Shaman’s use of totems as a mechanic, but if you enjoy that then you’ll probably have a similar experience.

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Warlock You have a demon curse or trick for everything and even in tbc they solo quest elites


I would say to wait until ICC come out and maybe by then we’ll have RDF so you’ll be able to actually truly enjoy the game, otherwise there is barely any elites 1-60.

They only start to appear in TBC/WOTLK zones and unless you are a class with pets like Hunter/Demo or a DK tank you’ll get destroyed especially against the first TBC elites.

Enhancement seem like a good pick its indeed fun to play overall and will be even more fun in Cataclysm, its just not a meta class for raiding right now.

Like Personally I enjoy playing Arm warrior even if they are considered trash.

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I would say hunter for solo but since that’s what you’re posting on… Druid is a blast. For leveling you can be anything. Hybrid specs work well too.

Later on you’ll have to choose but feral dps is strong and despite the naysayers resto is fun as heck.

Great farming toon too. Pick herb alch. Was made for druids.

Yea i just leveled an enhance and he solod every quest besides some in icecrown
that blue dragon might be kind of hard. But i solod all the “arena” quests northwest of shadow vault for example. Just for fun to see if i could

I’d change to my sham to have some credibility but can’t change chars on my phone lol got a cookie issue or something

Just as an aside, WotLK Classic normally* introduces a ‘Joyous Journeys’ buff a few weeks before moving onto the next content phase. This buff increases all XP gains by 50% while active.

ICC should be coming out in maybe three months, so JJ should be a few weeks ahead of it. Helps level up faster (obviously) and usually draws a few players to level alts and make the levelling world feel alive. If you’re in no rush to jump back in, might be an ideal time to join (or dedicate a chunk of your levelling).

  • This is not an official policy as far as I’m aware, but has happened pre-patch for every phase since WotLK pre-patch.

i knew about the buff, but wasn’t aware as to when it was active. if they plan to release it shortly before 3.4 drops, then all the better for my alts. :grin:

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Hunters, Warlocks, Prot Paladin, Prot Warrior, DK, Druid should all be able to solo quest and do elites quite easily.

If I were you, I’d personally choose whatever class your Retail main is, since you’re most familiar with that. It will probably be very different in Classic, but that would be the best way to learn both the original game and what your class was originally like.

If that’s the goal, and also since the OP mentioned picking a class for solo questing, I’d recommend checking out Classic Era, since there’s a much stronger focus on leveling, and classes have changed pretty significantly by WotLK.

Hunter Mon! That Explosive Shot will make you feel like a King/Queen

If your main concern is being a strong soloer I don’t think anything beats blood dk. It’s an absolute monster. All tanks can be good but the others don’t have the self healing of blood dk.

I have a rogue that I rarely do dungeons and never raid with. I call him a pickpocket rogue. He has all the extra points to stay hidden and move faster in stealth. I stealth around and pickpocket every mob before I ambush. One hit often drops their hp in half. Kick the casters, sap, blind and bandage if my hit points get low etc. It’s just so much fun. It’s my own unique spec that I developed over the years. Not a raid spec, not a pvp spec, a pickpocket/ambush spec. But if you want to raid after hitting 80 I don’t know how you’ll do. I have a holy priest or a resto druid to raid with. The rogue is just for solo play.

And ele like myself.

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