I'm the worst Brewmaster ever!

Loved Monk since MoP, played all 3 specs to get my first Ahead of the Curve in the game pugging (on Oqueue), was using a 2 hander on my windwalker, because SA server drama, and still had to wait for that because a boomkin needed an agility staff for whatever reasons…

Favorite ability was Guard…and yea it was broken, as well as ox healing orbs…isnt the floor always yellow? But I had fun.

Fast Foward to Now…BM is supposedly in a terrible place…but I dont care!

Look at my build…JUST LOOK AT IT!

First off, who needs punching when auto attack does that and you can take Press the advantage?..I dont want to press buttons…Im Chen Stormstout personified…I drink a little too much when playing WoW seriously.

SO I went with basically ALL the passives I possibly could.

I open with dousing everyone with alcohol, kicking them in the face, lighting them on fire, followed up with turning on my RJW fan for whatever seconds.

I take some hits while yellow balls drop at my feet, my stagger turns a different color, and then I use my “Ghetto Guard” AKA purify, followed by Celestial Brew. Im OK with that.

Nothing serious of course…I feel invulnerable in t8 Delves which gets me some cheddar. TW is a mess anyways, nobody cares. I often beat bad DPS which is to be expected. Point being is…I put no serious thought or button presses into playing Brewmaster, and it plays wonderfully for me.

Someday I hope BM gets a rework, and then I’ll have to look up some spec on Wowhead or PoS or whatever and follow the herd…but for now I love playing my crippled spec with a build I probably created after one too many “stouts”, but is fun for me anyways.

Looking at my spec you could say I’m “passive” aggressive lol.

PTA is a massive DPS loss regardless of target count and frankly feels worse to play IMO. You lose the slight hybrid nature of WoO granting Mastery, do less damage and it just feels worse. Sims 549k in ST vs 732k with WoO, and that’s assuming PTA is being played absolutely robotically perfect since it adds complexity. I wouldn’t mind if they made it a slightly worse but passive choice node, but as is it doesn’t even have interactions with hero talents. Not trying to diss you or backseat game, you do you, but also out of curiosity why play RJW when SD is both passive and tuned better?