I'm telling you people

Wow is not dying. Okay?

It’s not. I’m having fun, it must be your problem.

The other day I fell asleep at my desk and


Are you making fun of GD shills? Because that’s a worthy cause.


and what…? Cliffhanger much?

omg how am I supposed to concentrate now?!

I must know what happened next! :scream:




The end is near for the World…of Warcraft.

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Your head is in the sand Mortis

perhaps crash bandicoot remastered will be enough to make people interested

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Nothing good lasts forever. :man_shrugging:

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Define dying.
The game experience is the same to me today as it has always been :man_shrugging:

SOURCE!??! Source please


give me a sec

Less people play the game every day. At some point its just gunna be mortis and me AFKing in SV


Games the same to me :man_shrugging:

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LOL really? This is the first time in almost 17 years i am considering switching games. To one that seems far better and cheaper. I am even willing to pay the monthly sub, unlike WoW, where if the token is gone, so am i!

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mortis is gone :frowning:

“A pool full of coins? That’s insane!”

I read a reddit post once talking about what it would take for scrooge mcduck to be able to swim through his room of coins and it said he’d have to basically be made of pure lead


Yes, we all play for different reasons and if I don’t like something (which there are plenty examples of that in Shadowlands) I just don’t do it :laughing:. I realize this isn’t an option for everyone, some people “have to” do things because they want to do something else and the thing they don’t want to do is either a prerequisite for what they want to do or just makes them perform better.

Benefit of only doing what I like is all xpacs are the same to me :+1: They all have things I don’t like and things I do and I just avoid the things I don’t like whenever possible :slight_smile:


I just play to offend people

What do you mean, “you people”?!

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Ah a pvper :laughing: