Im tasking you stranger, IN FIXING FACTION IMBALANCE!

Name calling means you’ve run out of facts.


And Alliance players wonder why nobody wants to play with them…

90% of Alliance posting in this thread don’t even raid. They see the HoF numbers and cry foul, when they have no idea what they’re talking about.

Alliance and horde shared racials in BoD and the HoF was the same.

Some people like to raid. Some people like to dress up and dance in Goldshire.

Wasn’t that basically how the old pvp servers were?

Because they don’t want to associate with certain folk? Perhaps? Like people who spew lies and spread propaganda constantly on the forums. hmmm…small wonder.


I’ve always maintained that it’s a participation problem, not a racial problem. Though the racials are relatively balanced across the board now (albeit a tiny advantage to the horde due to the troll racial), the alliance have a utility advantage in spades. Particularly when it comes to M+.

At this point its simply, the horde has a larger population of players interested in pushing high end content, while the alliance has a larger population of players who aren’t interested in pushing high end content. I’ve yet to see a solution to this problem that wouldn’t just flip this to the opposite side of the scale. Which is why I just recommend to hit the problem at its root, and let us cross-faction group, guild, and communicate.

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I don’t think that’s how it works, nor is that a position I’d like to be in.

Common misconception, Shadowmeld is available to one race. The rest are on par at best, vastly inferior at worst.

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For example?

Maybe you’re referring to my warstomp… a castable aoe interrupt that 90% of mobs are immune to?

Perhaps my ability to pick herbs slightly better than most, but not perceptibly so?

Maybe it’s my UD mage’s ability to not have to breath under water? Horde racials aren’t all that special.

It feels important to note that there are two people here clearly arguing in bad faith, and they’re very similar in a certain way.

Friendly reminder that it’s not worth engaging.


Honestly they should do this for PvE content already since we keep “Joining together” for every raid anyway. I still don’t understand why they’re so insistent on never allowing cross faction play for PvE content when I really can’t think of any downsides. Hell I’d like for guilds to be cross faction as well at this point. with PvP you can still have that “Faction Pride” or even allow actual Mercenary elements without having to change people’s races.
Would it be that strange when we already have NPCs that are Mercs of other races in the stroyline already?

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Because the world is open and cross-faction won’t work. Let me give an example to illustrate some of the problems:

I group with a Dwarf buddy. We head over to Stormwind and I start killing the Auction House NPC’s. People try to stop me, but my Dwarf buddy is a healer and keeps healing me. And since he’s Alliance, nobody can attack or even interrupt him.

So, what happens here?

Does the Dwarf get flagged as a Horde character? Why?
Am I flagged as an Alliance character? Again, why?
Or is it both? Is the Dwarf Horde AND Alliance, and so am I?

There’s no way to make this work given how the game is structured.

Well to start with, I would disable all faction transfers from the Alliance to the Horde. As you can’t actually fix a problem that you are profiting off of…

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Haymaker = inferior warstomp or bull rush
Spatial rift = inferior bull rush or rocket jump
Gift of the naaru = inferior regeneratin’ (even one tick will heal 17%, and it’s in a shorter cd)

Orc/Troll racial = free damage to macro with your cds, alliance hasn’t even got something similar
Arcane Torrent = before nerf it was ridiculous, after nerf it’s still the 2nd best after shadowmeld, again alliance has nothing similar

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Instill the commendation system ff xiv has it would give ahat players incentive to not be dnozzles people tend to flock to wherever the people seem nicer currently thats horde in alot of servers. even if the people are still thier normal ahatty self centered selves they’ll at least do it to get the mounts available from getting the set numbers of commendations.

Since the oft-quoted disparity is for high end content, the last thing Blizzard should do is reward more pugging, since pugging is detrimental to players doing high-end content.

People are more apt to go to endgame if they dont get an early nasty experience on thier chosen faction and alliance I hate to say seems to be the most poisonous kinds of people on the game while leveling. Watching an alliance player die over and over on an npc form stealth on my horde rogue while higher end alliance players just kept walking past another /rudgestured the poor guy so i finally said screw it to myself waited till they tagged the monster one final time and popped from stealth and helped them kill it since it was obvious nobody else cared about helping them. they rolled a hordie and thanked me via whisper still got them on my btag they havent gone back to alliance since. Leveling my alliance chars I’ve experienced it myself You make players learn kind and generous behavior and they will stick with who they chose initially all the way to endgame.

Drop faction walls for group content and guilds. Warmode and faction locked content still enabled, Alliance cannot enter Orgrimar, Horde cannot enter Stormwind. If you want the faction fight, you turn on Warmode. For players with a diehard interest in the faction conflict, they don’t have to drop it. For the rest of the community, it just drops gameplay barriers.

With Warmode off, you can group with the opposite faction, even though you may or may not share the same quest pool, depending on the zone.

I can’t say how many times I’ve meet people who play WoW, who I would want to join for play, but they play the other faction, which locks us out of playing together. It’s a bad dynamic and system in 2020. Maybe back in 2004 when faction pride meant a damn, but the main campaigns for the factions are a joke, I don’t see how it’s possible to have faction pride now days. I’d rather just have the option to join a unified pool of players from both factions for m+, raid, etc.

If not that, then mirrored racials. Give Alliance new allied races with racials that directly mirror the Horde’s, and vise versa. The biggest point of imbalance is Blood Elves and Arcane Torrent, which really just isn’t a problem if you gave it to Alliance on a new race.

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FF14 is a casual game with lower stakes and a lower skill floor and ceiling. The community is going to be inherently less toxic. There aren’t going to be competitive or wanabe competitive players (who are the most toxic demographic) in FF14, because it’s mostly a story based game. In addition, the commend system in 14 is worthless.

Cosmetic rewards won’t make the community less toxic.

Are we convinced this is actually a problem?

This seems like woke culture gone wrong.

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