I'm surprised this game isn't more alt friendly

I did Outland 60-80 shortly after 7.3.5 hit but I understand they’ve significantly shortened the XP grind in that bracket since then. If you can hit 80 part way through Zangarmarsh now, that’s heaps better.

Hu? I got ten 120’s and don’t craft on any of em.

Guess it depends on your definition of what an alt is.

The only part remotely alt-unfriendly at this point is AP grinding each alts Heart of Azeroth up to a level that lets you actually have active traits off new gear.

If you want the level 3 of anything to do with herbalism, enchanting etc… You have to have the exalted faction rep. If that alts reason for existing is crafting and trying to make gold. This expansion is anything but alt friendly.

Gear… sure… everything else… between not really and maybe.

whats annoying me about gearing new alts is why even bother gear them? gear is nothing 1 day ur 400… just lvl 120 and you be 400 i seriously mean it already the fun of getting gear is gone in bfa/ and second this neck is annoying atlest make it like the artifact weapon used to me you farm relics which is alot fun alot and you put those relics in ur neck that gives different passives and remove the shoulder / head / chest/ because right now lets saw for example me i got 2 415 thats the max you can get extra 5 after u spam farming for days but who cares.
because once you get 415 chest / shoulder /head your done in those slots…

so remove shoulder / head / chest / make neck system like artifact weapons!

I wasn’t aware alts were entirely made to be gold farmers.

Some of us like alts because we like having more options in end game, we like leveling, and most of all we like our Characters.

I don’t consider an army of convenient gold makers alts. Again, it’s entirely the individuals definition of what an alt is.

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I quested in Outland while simultaneously queuing for random bgs and BC dungeons as a tank. It went fast.

I actually think BFA is reasonably alt friendly, with the increase to levelling speed and how easy it is to gear up at end game. Still, I do miss having something like Unsullied Gear to quickly slap some decent gear on alts. I hope they’ll add something like that later on.

i think legion is more alt friendly… grinding azerite traits multiple times makes me cri

Umm what? It was literally the same thing with artifact weapons. Only difference is Legion was even harsh when you wanted to change specs. Legion was brutal towards alts in the beginning.

and then they came up with the research thing that basically puts alts around maybe 2-5 levels behind your main. Bfa hasnt done that and my alts are like 20+ points behind, yet getting the same level gear as my main and not having the artifact power to use them
Imagine getting a piece of 415 gear with the same awesome trait your old 280 one has but now you cant use it…

You realize BFA is removing Azerite trait levels in 8.2 Right? Which will legit fix your concern.

You can’t be harsh towards BFA if it’s doing things the exact same way Legion has.

uh what are you talking about

I would like things like pathfinder reqs to be more alt friendly rather than requiring one character to do everything in a zone before getting credit. Gliding to pick up chests for example, is not a great way to spend time when I have already looted a ton of chests. But i still need to scale a bunch of mountains just to glide down to some branch to loot chests still.