I'm sure Death Knights must be seething

Dks don’t mind, our gap closers and mobility is fine. Stop trying to manufacture drama lol


Dude, no one is playing with you. You just admitted to being incapable of it.

I miss cosplaying, but it’s expensive and with the pandemic it’s different. I love Goblin Slayer, especially the cute lil comics people make despite the grittiness of the show.

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Yet if they had a gap closer talent it would be popular.

What does that say to you?

Absolutely. I love the dark anime with the mix of humor. My all time favorite is Darker than Black

Okay and if I had sprinkles and nuts I’d have a merry Christmas. Dks aren’t upset by paladins having a leap. You’re wanting to create tension.

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Says the one who cannot come clean and is derailing the topic and constantly insulting me.

But you do you.

Haven’t seen that one, I’ll look into it.
My current go-to anime I’m needing more of is Gundam WFM.

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Paladins needed that leap.

And you didn’t answer the question.

Definitely an awesome anime. I even got lucky to get it on DVD, both seasons. I am working on collecting all my favorites. I call it me preserving the best for the zombie apocalypse lol. If you like anime with less violence and more psychological impact, watch Monster. They have the first half the show on netflix I believe

Death and decay positioned wherever we want.
Abom’limb that can grip adds towards us as we move.
2 death grips.
have I mentioned 2 death’s advance?

Now you must ask yourself, a new spell will come for paladins, but at what cost? which talent will you have to give up to get it? (or which talents).

Grip is the best gap closer.in the game, pvp wise at least.

For pve though you do have DA and WW, sooooo

I’m not answering a hypothetical question lol, that was the point of my post. If I got a million dollars would I be happy? hypothetical questions mean nothing to the argument

Please don’t scare the Paladins.

They deserve their Leap. I would hope Blizzard shows them mercy.

I didn’t insult you until you belittled my new forum friend there with your misogyny. Then, you became fair game flacid frank.

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So you lie.

Your very first post in ny topic was to insult me as has every post you’ve made when talking about me.

You didn’t even talk to the vile lady until recently.

Definitely will check it out, Monster too.
If you haven’t seen Gundam WFM it’s pretty great, I recommend. It’s on Crunchyroll.

Definitely will, haven’t seen a Gundam anime since Wing lol. I should chat you up in game sometime, so we don’t have flacid frank there trying to keep getting his little jabs in that fail.

You’re right didn’t talk to her because didn’t disagree with anything, but you see some of us hate misogyny as a rule, and I for one abhor it. You made the mistake of showing your butt, then accidentally admitting your own intimacy issues. I see a lot of ads for that btw, so look into them. Take some of those, and a few showers, you might be less distateful

Ah, like birds of a feather.

It seems that vilness attracts one another.

Maybe you can compare insults and how to be even more uncivil.