I'm stupid (PVP vs Mythic+)

Forums need to adopt a character count like Twitter.


Just a few things:

  1. You left your capslock button on. I know you’re frustrated but it comes across as immature and pouting when you type “IN ALL CAPS BECAUSE I’M UPSET AND WANT TO MAKE A POINT!”

  2. How long have you been trying to gear through PvP? I’ve been grinding out random BGs for the past few months and am now up to 460.

  3. Frankly, as someone with “no dungeon” experience criticising anyone, I suggest next time just don’t. It’s not your place and you’re as equally inexeperienced if not more so than someone who is undergeared.

  4. I get wanting to avoid “toxic premades”. Hell, I wish I could avoid random “toxic” groups. Thankfully, you have to tools to do so.

You can join or form a guild that suits your needs and tastes. And barring that, you can start your own group and advertise it in LFM.


But yet you pvp? 0_o

Vendors make a return in SL.

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Stat templates in a game where gearing your character is a thing is such a ridiculous oxymoron that should never be considered.

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I’m item level 463 and I’ve geared entirely though PvP. I understand it’s not Mythic gear, but it’s better than Heroic dungeons.

400k? you get even 700k I will one shot you with my orbital lazer cannon :rofl:

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honor gear is absolutely worthless in SL, level of a m0 gear that will also take literal months to get

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I hear your pain, I also wish we could be viable both in professions and Wpvp without having to join ANY groups but instead go the long route and either grind it out with pvp currency or at least be able to craft high end gear by toughing out the profession grind, but I’ve quoted your comment because I believe Blizzard doesn’t care because clearly this player that just dinged 120 has either a lot of buddies carrying him or he’s done what most people do and that’s buy runs for gold, right into blizzards plans, Blizz makes huge bucks off it . sad but true

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I’m hoping for PvP gearing to get better in Shadowlands, sure we get vendors but if the gear sucks why even bother?

I’d take TBC, Wrath or WoD PvP systems over what they’ve put up on the ptr anyday.


Golly…I just started doing mythics this xpac and my experience has been the complete opposite. I usually just join the groups that say “chill” in the name or whatever. That way it’s no pressure.

I’m not sure why you’re saying you’re only getting 445 stuff as your weekly pvp reward? After you get a full set of 445 gear you should be getting 460 gear.

Doing BGs to gear up is, i’m sorry to be blunt, straight up stupid. If you want to cap conquest quick you turn on warmode, do the conquest challenges in groups, do the invasions etc etc.

You’re the one who is getting easy loot.

Actually you can, because similar to mythic+, pvp gear rewards scale with arena rating. Which makes sense. I got a 480 piece from arenas after the first week of 8.3.

Play the whole game. :wink:


Sounds like a YOU problem rather than universal. Pretty sure random players can get to 1400 rating with minimal gear.

I’m hoping for some meaningful changes that would invigorate the pvp community like this topic from a different forum

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it so tree , the mythic plus come in 2 go haha noob if u die which always the hapen ; they get more health and damage less skill and win it

I did LFR as well, I do anything doesn’t involve premade, random pvp and LFR is all I have. doing normal or heroic dungeon doesn’t make sense at all, you can get daily gear with higher ilvl what’s the point? that’s why I never set foot in any of the dungeon, as mentioned my only 3 premade was forced by tailor profession.

I avoid premade, did some skirmish, everyone joined is 500k hp++, when 2 dps see my low HP and will just focus me for the win. I just resub last month so I’m late and vastly undergear.

Try win 4 normal bg everyday, see how easy it is for you.

Epic BG horde win 80%
Normal BG horde lose 80%

Since you are horde I’m sure you can relate.

It’s much easier to just go do the world quests and pvp events to cap at 500

?? umm okay