I'm stuck in Phase for BFA Tides of War Exile's Reach Version even though I did the normal version

Hopefully someone can help me out. I have a pretty nasty bug it seems.
Character History: Exile Reach since the Pre-Patch. Went to Dragonflight after doing the intro quest stuff in Stormwind.
Finished all my Dragonflight content, etc no more quests for me to do all the chapters done even did the event story, etc.

I wanted to work on loremaster for fun on this Character. I started doing classic zones. I first hit my first issue in Westfall not being able to complete the Rise of the Brotherhood Quest https://www.wowhead.com/quest=26322/rise-of-the-brotherhood

I found out the issue is Prob BFA Intro and I just did not feel like doing it for now wanted to try to do stuff in some sort of order. For now I ignore it.

Found another quest snag sadly this time in Dustwallow Marsh. Proof of Treachery https://www.wowhead.com/quest=27240/proof-of-treachery

This time I want to finish this and it’s is upsetting me :frowning: Fine… I will do the BFA Intro. I see the NPC near one the hero boards in Stormwind offering me the quest Battle for Azeroth: Tides of War This version https://www.wowhead.com/quest=46727/battle-for-azeroth-tides-of-war I do the quest follow it all the way to unlocking the mage portal (quest wise) and to the point where I can do the scout board… Strange… The issue is still there…

It gets me thinking… Why is Captian Garrick even here? I’m level 70, exile’s reach was a billiong years ago… (couple weeks ago lol)
Then it dawn to me… I’m locked some how in the Tides of War that you normally get with Captian Garrick once you done Exile’s Reach. Even though I never got a quest, some how my character is locked with that version where I should have the ability to talk to her and start the BFA from the throne room instead of the war room…

The Exile’s Reach Version the one I can’t do: https://www.wowhead.com/quest=58983/battle-for-azeroth-tides-of-war

So I’m now stuck… Old Exille Reach to BFA Code even though Pre-Patch Character?

Current Quests that are now Stuck for me:
[Proof of Treachery]
[The Lord of Blackrock]
[Bloodied Sentinel’s Glaive]
[Rise of the Brotherhood]